Theresa has a six-year-old daughter, and she’s a teacher, so she’s one of those women born knowing how to interact with children the minute she meets them. I don’t know how far she’s wormed her way into my daughter’s heart, but since Hudson has kept her around this long, I have to wonder if she’s wormed her way into his. I rub my chest.

“What’s the matter?” Hudson’s eyes follow the movement of my hand.


He laughs. “Coffee and a crap diet will do that.”

More cold air wafts into the house, and the vibration on the floor of little feet running warms my heart. Even though she’s only been next door for the past two days, I’ve missed her. I put my coffee down and turn in my chair, ready for her to run into my arms, but Adley stops right before she reaches me.

“Mommy, look what Theresa gave me!” She holds out a lipstick, and that’s when I notice the red all over her lips.

“Oh, lipstick,” I say aloud.

A knock sounds on my back door.

Why doesn’t she just come in? I sign to Hudson.

“I don’t know.” He stands and reaches to ruffle Adley’s hair, but she ducks so he misses.

I can see why. It’s beautiful, woven in two braids that come together in the back. I could never pull it off. I guarantee Adley’s preschool teachers will know who got Adley ready this morning just based on her hairstyle alone.

I sign to Adley. Come here.

I open my arms, and she runs into them, squeezing me hard. I kiss her cheek, and she does the same to me before drawing back and laughing at the red lips she’s left there.

There are muffled voices as Hudson opens the door for Theresa. I can’t hear what they’re saying, but by the time they reach us at the kitchen table, Theresa looks flustered with Hudson. The two of them couldn’t be more opposite. Hudson is laid back, and Theresa just isn’t. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it surprised me the first time I saw them together. Hudson doesn’t mind dirty dishes and folded laundry on the couch, and Theresa is always very put together. I imagine her house looks like a home decorating catalog.

“Look!” Adley points at the red lips on my cheek.

“Oh, I’m sorry. She was watching me freshen up after breakfast and asked if she could have some.” Theresa clutches Hudson’s arm as if she’s afraid he might leave her alone with me.

I lift my hands. It’s okay. Thanks for making her breakfast.

She looks at Hudson, and he translates for me. These are times I should speak, but I’ve never been comfortable hearing my own voice.

Theresa shoots me one of her plastic smiles. “You’re welcome.”

I smile back and nod. That’s about the extent of my conversations with Theresa, though I don’t blame her. She shouldn’t be expected to learn sign language just because the baby mama of the guy she’s dating is deaf.

“Mommy!” Adley pulls on my shirt. “Theresa said she could take me to school today.”

I glance at my laptop sitting on the table. I never work here, but this morning, I thought maybe being in a different spot than my couch would make the words fly out of me. There’s a plate with half a tuna sandwich on it with five Cosmic Brownie wrappers on top. Yeah, I’ll have to break it to Adley that I dug into her Little Debbie stash. Not the first time. Won’t be the last.

I catch Theresa looking back at me after following my line of vision to my three in the morning snack. I lift my hands, and Theresa automatically looks at Hudson. I’ve got it, but please tell her thanks.

Hudson gives no expression as he tells Theresa, and her eyes focus on me. “I didn’t mean to upset anyone.”

You didn’t.

After Hudson tells her what I signed, he puts his hand on the small of her back. “Let’s go.”

Theresa seems reluctant at first but eventually walks out of my house without saying anything.

Hudson crouches down, and Adley wraps her arms around his neck. “Have a good day at school and please keep your hands to yourself. I can’t keep giving Mr. Grier free ski lessons to keep you there.”

Adley smiles one of her wicked ones. The one that says she’s not making any promises. She likes this boy named Holden and tries to kiss him every day at recess. “He likes me too.”

Adley runs into her room to grab her coat and backpack. Hudson nods, pushing his fingers through his hair.