Palmer waves, busy getting Adley’s plate ready.

I head outside to cross the two driveways, a path worn in the snow from us going back and forth to each other’s places. Theresa’s head is in the trunk of her small SUV, and I go around to help her. She has three bags, and all I see are the plastic bags from the produce section. Of course she’s picked something healthy.

“Over at Palmer’s again?”

There isn’t any disdain in her voice. Theresa’s known from day one how close Palmer and I are and that we’re committed to parenting together. She doesn’t have the same relationship with her ex—they still meet at a public place to exchange their daughter. He lives over in Winterberry Falls.

“Yeah, got another call from the school today about Adley and this Holden kid.”

“I understand the concern as a teacher, but they are only three.”

I unlock the side door of the house and allow her to go first.

“I think Palmer got through to her. Hopefully.” I put the bags down on the kitchen counter and pull out the items.

“Do you think it’s because of Palmer and the romance writer thing?”

“Given the fact that Adley can barely read, I’d say no.” I’m a bit irritated that she said that—especially since that’s exactly what Palmer was worried about.

“I just mean Palmer probably talks about her stories with the people in her life. Maybe Adley overheard her talking about kissing and?—”

“Yeah, I’m not sure, but I doubt it.”

“Okay. I was just thinking out loud.”

“Can we drop it?” I take the plastic bags and put them in the container I keep them in in the laundry room.

“Of course.”

“What are you making?” I ask, wanting to change the subject.

“Stir fry with tofu,” she says. “Hope you’re ready to chop.”

Because we’re both on edge after she blamed Palmer’s job for the reason Adley’s chasing a boy around the playground, I don’t groan and complain like I usually would when she picks tofu instead of meat. I’ll suck it up and eat a bowl of cereal later tonight. Besides, she’s doing me a solid by even making this dinner.

I nod. “Sounds good.”

“Great, you chop, and I’ll make the sauce and rice.”

I sit at the table with a cutting board and the vegetables. She grabs her apron from one of the drawers. She leaves one here now because the first time she cooked, and I didn’t have one, her blouse got ruined. She looks cute in it, all put together in a perfect little package.

“So, how was your day?” I ask, using my phone to turn on the stereo for background noise.

She talks about a boy in her class who has been giving her trouble. I’m familiar with the name and other problems he has caused for her this year. After she sets the rice to cook, she goes into my family room and straightens up, coming back with a cup Adley was using last night and an empty bowl from the popcorn we ate while watching a movie.

“You’ve got to start cleaning up unless you want Adley to be a slob when she grows up.” She holds up the two items.

To stop a fight from starting, I nod and smile. “It was late by the time the movie ended, and this morning was crazy when you came with breakfast.”

She turns from the stove. “Would you rather I not surprise you with breakfast?”


“Is it an inconvenience?”

“No, I just meant we have a routine, and maybe that cup and bowl would’ve been picked up had you not surprised me.” I chop the green pepper and put it aside. At this point, I’m wishing I would’ve met Matt at a fucking bar.

“Doubtful, but nice thinking.”