Page 66 of Teasing You

“Yeah, me too.”

“Please keep me posted, and if there’s anything I can do to help, let me know.”

“I will, and thanks, Mom.”

Ashlynn closed the door behind her and let out a long breath. In some ways she felt like they were going to be okay, and in others she felt like her mother was just going to keep stubbornly playing the victim and refusing to admit that she tore their family apart.

“I can’t keep focusing on this. Way too much negativity. I need something positive right now.” And with a grin, she walked across the room, picked up her phone, and sent Reid a text.

Ash: Sexy dinner plans

* * *

Ash: Be at my place at 7

She had no idea if he was busy or not so she wasn’t expecting an immediate response, but she got one.

Reid: Sexy dinner plans?

* * *

Reid: Tell me what I need to bring!

Chuckling, she shook her head.

Ash: Just yourself. I’ve got everything else covered.

* * *

Reid: Can’t wait!

Putting her phone down, Ashlynn let out a happy sigh. “Me neither.”

“He’s got that goofy look on his face again…”

“You’re just jealous because you’re not getting laid.”

Reid looked up at two of his co-workers, Keith and Scott, with his grin firmly in place. “Nothing wrong with smiling when you get a nice text.”

“Dude, that look said that was more than a nice text,” Scott said with amusement. “So what did Ashlynn send you? Was it a sexy picture or a dirty text?”

Sliding his phone into his pocket, his smile faded a bit. “None of your damn business.”

“Sexy picture,” Keith commented. “Definitely a sexy picture.”

“It wasn’t…”

But neither were listening. They were debating the merits of sexting and honestly, Reid wanted no part of it. Hell, he hated that these two were even putting Ashlynn in this kind of discussion.

He was about to walk away when another text came through, this time from Leo.

Leo: Hey. Just checking on you and seeing if you thought about our conversation from the other night.

* * *

Leo: I hope I didn’t come off like I was being a dick.

* * *