Page 4 of Teasing You

And there was the soup from her earlier scenario.

“Only if you’re sure…”

“Ash, you’re not alone. We’re all going to help you. Plus, I was going to be eating alone tonight because these two are going house hunting.”

Looking over at Jade and Levi, she smiled. “Really? You’re finally going to get a place together?”

They nodded.

“The wedding is in just a few months and we want to have a house all ready so we can come home from our honeymoon and just start our lives,” Jade said dreamily before leaning in and kissing Levi.

“Ugh…you guys are sickeningly cute and I can’t handle that right now.” Picking up her brownie, she took a huge bite. “Damn, Billie, these things are incredible.”

Her sister preened. “Thank you.”

“Then she took a bite of the croissant and moaned. “Holy crap, that’s amazing too! You should combine the two and make chocolate croissants. I swear I’ll buy a ton of them once I’m working again. Like dozens, I swear!”

“Just…one thing at a time, okay? Let’s just get through taking a day for yourself and maybe tomorrow you can ask me about chocolate croissants by the dozen.”


“Baylor! The captain wants to talk to you!”

Reid Baylor carefully folded the rag he was using to wax the rear section of the firetruck. As he walked away, he gave a nod to his buddy, Mike. “Thanks, man,” he said as he walked through the firehouse and to the captain’s office.

Getting called in to see his captain didn’t fill him with any sense of dread. If anything, it was just the opposite. Reid had a five-year plan and everybody knew it. So if he was getting called in to talk, he had to believe it was for a good reason.

“Captain,” he said as he knocked on the open door.

“Hey, Reid,” Captain Walters said, motioning for Reid to come in and sit down.


“This is your weekend off, right?”

“Yes, Sir. A buddy of mine just got engaged and his fiancé’s family is throwing a party for the two of them. I’ll be heading out of town after my shift on Thursday and I’ll be back to work Monday morning.”

“Mm-hmm,” he replied as he picked up a packet of papers from his desk, glanced at it, and then tossed it back down. “Reid, how long have you been here in Roanoke?”

“Two years now.”

“And how do you like it here? Is Roanoke a place you want to call home, or would you be open to moving?”

He took a moment to think about it. “Well, I guess I’m open to moving.”

“You guess?” The captain shook his head. “Reid, you need to be a little more decisive than that.”

“We moved around a lot when I was growing up, so it’s not a big deal for me.” He paused. “But I supposed I’d be more decisive if I knew where I was potentially being asked to move to.”

Captain Walters smiled. “Fair enough. I believe I saw on your transcript that you used to live in a town called Sweetbriar Ridge, is that correct?”

Smiling, he nodded. “That’s actually where I’m heading this weekend. We lived there the longest and obviously I kept in touch with some of my old friends.”

“So then you might not be opposed to moving there.” It wasn’t a question.

“Is there seriously a position open there? When I was growing up in Sweetbriar, there was only one fire station and it was about the size of a postage stamp. I figured they would never have to look outside of the town limits for firefighters. Or fire inspectors.”

“Well, they’re growing. It seems like there was an old ski resort that’s getting renovated and will re-open by the end of the year, along with an influx of vacation homes and businesses.” He shook his head. “I’ve never been to a town that small, but from everything I’ve read in this proposal, it’s not going to stay small for long.”