Page 84 of Teasing You

“In situations like this,” Inspector Rowe explained, “we can’t let anyone know what direction we’re heading in. It’s extremely important to prevent any information from leaking.”

“Your relationship with Reid complicated things because there was a good chance of him overhearing things about what we were finding and because he was new to the squad, I didn’t know him well enough to fully trust him,” the chief said grimly. “Ultimately, as we were getting close to wrapping things up, I had to write him up on a fairly bogus infraction just to make sure he didn’t share anything with you about how we were…um…we were kind of…”

“Setting me up?” she finished for him, not even trying to hide her disgust. “Because according to my attorney, you knew even before you came and talked to me that I wasn’t involved! Do you have any idea what kind of hell you’ve made my life?”

They both had the good sense to look mildly ashamed, but the inspector further explained.

“Our interview with you was to confirm our suspicions based on the evidence we found. The person who set the fire…”

“You mean Becky?” she asked sarcastically.

“The person who set the fire,” he repeated, “made sure to leave things with your fingerprints on them.”

“Basically the items you said were put in that box for you that weren’t yours,” Bob told her. “We needed to piece together how your prints got there.” He let out a long breath. “I really am sorry, Ashlynn. I’ve known you and your family since you were a little girl and I hate that this all had to happen.”

It would have been easy to argue some more and tell them both what jerks she thought they were, but honestly, she was just glad it was all over.

“Look, I get it. You were just doing your jobs,” she said wearily. “Now I’d like nothing more than to put it all behind me.” When she went to stand, she noticed neither man moved. “Um…”

“Ms. Donovan—Ashlynn—we actually have a small favor we’d like to ask,” Inspector Rowe began hesitantly.

“A favor? You seriously want to ask a favor? Is this a joke?”

Bob looked away, but Dennis Rowe clearly didn’t have an issue. “We’d like to get a confession, and from everything I’ve witnessed during the investigation, we’re either not going to get one or it’s going to be extremely difficult. We thought you might like to be involved as a way of…um…you could…”

“Oh, for Pete’s sake, Dennis,” Bob huffed before looking at Ashlynn. “Wouldn’t you like the chance to be the one to catch the person who set you up?”

“Again, you mean Becky?”

“We have Police Chief Henry working with us,” Inspector Rowe continued. “You’ll wear a wire and we’ll tell you what you need to say. We realize we’re asking a lot…”

“Ya think?” she snapped.

“However, this can all be wrapped up by dinnertime tonight.”

It was beyond tempting, but right now she wasn’t sure if she could do it. The badass side of her relished the thought of taking Becky down, but considering the woman was crazy enough to burn her own business to the ground, Ashlynn had no idea what kind of reaction she’d have while getting arrested.

After a moment, she let out a short huff. “Fine. I’ll do it,” she blurted out. “Are we going right now?”

Inspector Rowe smiled as he got to his feet and shook her hand. “I’ll be back in a few hours. There’s a few things we need to get in order first. I’ll text you when I’m on my way back.”

“Oh. Okay.”

Bob stood and shook her hand too. “I really am sorry about all of this, Ashlynn. But thank you for being gracious and willing to help.”

Nodding, she walked them both to the door when something occurred to her. “What about Reid?”

“He’ll be back to work in a couple of days. My plan was to call him once the arrest was made.”

“Great. Thanks.”

And now here she was.

Reid showing up at her door was completely unexpected. If she wasn’t on her way out to meet with Inspector Rowe, she might have actually contemplated inviting him in and telling him off to his face right then and there, but she was sure there’d be plenty of time for that as soon as they wrapped things up with Becky.

“So, how is this all going to happen?” she asked.

“Bob suggested having someone from the police department meet us at Books & Beans where they’ll get you wired. Apparently your sister and future sister-in-law volunteered when Bob and I were in there to get coffee after we left your apartment.” He grinned. “You were quick to make calls.”