I narrowed my gaze at both of them and walked down the hallway leading to my office. When I pushed my door open, my eyes widened. The wall behind my desk was covered from the ceiling to the floor in little yellow sticky notes. It looked like wallpaper the way every single inch of space was covered in yellow paper with handwritten notes on each one. I droppedmy purse onto my desk beside a gigantic floral arrangement and walked to the wall, taking my time to read each one.
I’m sorry.
Every fifth or sixth note said those two little words. My eyes scanned the space, taking in the other messages. There were too many to count.
I love you.
Why is it bad to tell someone that you love them on a sticky note?
I should have told you how much I love you at the barn.
I want to make this up to you.
Sorry for accusing you about the preppy professor.
I’m an asshole.
A wild river.
I miss you.
I miss you so much I can’t fucking function.
Queenie, please forgive me.
I know what I want.
I want you. Only you. Always you.
The sentiment went on and on as I bent down to read the messages on the lower half of the wall.
The sound of a throat clearing from behind me had me whipping around. Terrence stood in my doorway with a wicked grin on his face. “Apparently, this is the new way to grovel?”
“Did you know about this?” I asked.
“He asked if he could come in after we closed last night, so I stayed here and let him do his thing.”
“That was nice of you.”
“I got to meet Beefcake. He was really giving River a hard time for messing things up with you.”
I nodded, pushing back the tears. I loved this man, but he’d hurt me. I’d never been good at forgiving people, but I was so happy that he’d come, so maybe I was changing.
“He’s the coolest kid around.”
“Agreed,” Terrence said, taking a step back. “I think anyone that goes to this much trouble to apologize deserves to at least be heard out. He said to tell you to read the card on the flowers when you’re done with the sticky note wall.”
I heard him laughing as he pulled my door closed and left.
The vase sitting on my desk was filled with what must be three dozen red roses, and I reached for the card.
Queenie. Please meet me at the cove tonight after work. I just want to talk to you. River
I sighed and dropped to sit down as my phone started vibrating.
Are you at work yet? I heard you were getting quite the surprise this morning.