Page 96 of Wild River

I chuckled. “Your dad asked me if something was going on.”

She reared back. “What? What did you tell him?”

“I said we were hanging out. You were leaving soon. That was all there was to it.”

“Why did you tell him that?”

“Weren’t you the one who was pissed that your dad lied to you about what was going on with his health?”

Her brows furrowed as she thought it over. “That’s true. But there is nothing going on. We’re just hanging out while I’m here. It’s nothing.”

I’d always been the guy who’d made it clear I didn’t want anything. But I was getting fucking tired of her telling me the same shit over and over.

We were nothing.

I got it.

Yet, here we were, in bed together, day after day.

I didn’t know what exactly qualified something to be an actual relationship because I’d never had anything serious with a woman before.

But this sure as shit isn’t nothing.

I placed a hand on her cheek, waiting for her gaze to meet mine. “I’ve seen you every day over the last couple of weeks. We text when we aren’t together. I’ve woken up with you every day this week. I know you aren’t staying. I know this isn’t going anywhere. But stop fucking saying that it’s nothing. It’s more than I’ve ever had with anyone else, and it’s starting to piss me the fuck off that you keep saying that.”

She pushed up, placing her hand on my chest as her gaze searched mine. “You’ve said it, too.”

“No. I haven’t said it in a while. You’re the one who reminds me daily that this is nothing. I got it. I know there is an end to this, but right now, we’re in it. And I want to go to the fucking Fourth of July party with you.”

A slow, easy smile spread across her pretty face. “You like me, don’t you?”

“Don’t get cocky. I just don’t like you belittling this.”

She sighed. “Fine. I like you, too. I’ll go with you to the Fourth of July party.”

“Thank you. Was that so fucking difficult?” I asked as she settled her cheek against my chest.

“No. None of it has been difficult, if I’m being honest.”

“What do you mean?” I stroked her long, silky hair away from her face, and her fingers traced along my shoulder and down my arm.

“When I was with the professor, and even the two guys I dated before him, I had rules. I didn’t like spending the night more than once a week. It wasn’t like this.”

“I get that. I’ve never had a woman stay the night repeatedly. I usually need my space, and I get irritated pretty easily.”

She chuckled and tipped her head back to look at me. “Really? You? Say it isn’t so.”

“It is so, you smart-ass. But I like having you in my bed.”

“Maybe it’s because we both know it’s ending soon, so we don’t have to worry about it becoming anything.”

“Yeah, that’s probably it,” I lied. Our connection was something I’d never shared with anyone before. And I knew it terrified her because it terrified me, too. And not for the reasons that it should.

I wasn’t afraid of falling for Ruby Rose.

Hell, I’d already fallen.

I was afraid of what would happen when she left. So I was doing my best to keep things under control, but somewhere along the way, I’d lost control with this woman.