I was fairly certain that this non-relationship was going to be the best one I’d ever had.
He moved so fast the boat shook, and he was suddenly between my legs and did exactly what he said he would.
And I enjoyed every second of it.
. . .
“Wipe the frown offyour face. They’re already stuck somewhere they don’t want to be. The least you can do is try to look friendly,” she said.
“You know, for a non-girlfriend, you’re awfully bossy.”
She smiled. “Deal with it. You look like a grump.”
“You didn’t seem to mind when I was on top of you this morning making you cry out my name,” I teased.
Yeah, this arrangement was working out fantastically. We had sex whenever we wanted to, which was all the time. I’d buried my face between her legs that day we were out on the kayak, and that would go down as one of my favorite memories to date. Watching her try to control herself and not tip the boat while I brought her right to the edge over and over again, torturing her slowly, until I finally let her go over. She was ridiculously sexy when she came, and I’d never get enough.
And now we ended our days with her reading her book to me about some dude who was damaged and broken and in love with the girl next door. Literally, I shit you not. She lived next door. They were high school sweethearts, and he’d fucked it allup, because, well, he’s a dude, and he doesn’t have a fucking clue how to deal with all his feelings.
I couldn’t say I minded the book as much as I pretended to be uninterested.
Maybe it was just the sound of her voice that I liked so much. She read a chapter to me every night before we went to sleep and every morning when we first woke up.
Yeah, we’d spent every night together since we’d come up with our little agreement. Normally, this would feel like a death sentence to me, but with Ruby, it was the opposite.
I only wanted more.
“Just because I enjoy having sex with you does not mean that I won’t tell you when you’re being an asshole. Go in there and give these kids some hope. The guy that asked you here did it because he thinks you’ll be an inspiration to these kids. You’re a freaking attorney, and a damn good one. You took something shitty and turned it into something positive,” she said, her hands flailing around.
I smiled. Couldn’t help myself. “I thought I wasn’t very good at being lawyerly?”
She covered her mouth with her hand in an attempt to hold back her laughter. “I just say that to get under your skin. You’re sort of a rock star, River Pierce. You’re an amazing friend, a fabulous uncle, a wonderful grandson, and a damn good attorney and human being. And you’re not too shabby in the sack. There. Are you happy?”
“I want to fuck you right now. Right here in this car.”
“And now you’re fucking crazy,” she said as I leaned over and tickled her senseless. “We’re parked outside a juvenile hall, you lunatic. Stop being a perv and pull your shit together.”
I kissed her hard before jumping out of the car and going around to open her door. “Let’s get this done.”
“It’s not the death chamber,” she mumbled beside me before glancing up to find me smiling down at her. “Stop acting like you hate this. I think you’re actually excited to talk to them, aren’t you?”
“No. I’m excited that you just made it clear how amazing I am.”
She pinched my arm hard, and I laughed before wrapping an arm around her shoulder as we approached the building.
Once we were inside, we were greeted by Terrence Juniper, the director of operations at Fresh Start Juvenile Detention Center. He’d taken the position six months ago and had reached out to both me and Romeo. He led us to his office first, and we took the two seats across from his desk as he sat and faced us.
“Romeo was very open about your situation. I assume I’m free to speak in front of your friend here?” Terrence said.
“Absolutely. Ruby just graduated with her Ph.D. in psychology; I think she can handle whatever you want to share.”
She feigned being annoyed that I’d thrown her fancy degree out there, but I saw the way her cheeks pinked the slightest bit. She’d accomplished something impressive, and I wanted Terrence to know it. I did that a lot lately when we spent time together.
Ruby Rose was impressive as fuck, and the world needed to know it.