Page 86 of Wild River

He chuckled. “You don’t have to worry about that with me. I give you my word. I will not catch feelings. You aggravate me,and you turn me on. You annoy me, and you make me laugh. That’s all this is.”

“Right. I feel the same about you. I hate you as much as I like you. So, obviously, that can’t go anywhere, or we’d end up killing one another.”

“Agreed. So, we have nothing to worry about,” he said, as his tongue swiped out to wet his lips. “What, exactly, do your rules allow under these strict guidelines?”

“Well, we’re friends who are attracted to one another and also irritate one another. But we like to eat, so I think meals are allowed.”

“Good. Are we talking about eating food or your pussy?” His voice was all tease, but my body was most definitely not laughing at the comment. I squeezed my thighs together and made a serious effort to remain in control.

“Both are approved.”

“Fucking fabulous. So, meals, both at a restaurant and between your sexy thighs. What about sex?”

“I think sex is a yes, but we touch base after each time we cross the line. If either of us starts to feel like we’re catching feelings—we take sex off the table. Trust me, I’ve had this problem with men in the past. Take the professor, for example. He didn’t think it would happen, and then it happened.”

“That’s because it wasn’t an equal relationship. He reaped all the pleasure and did nothing for you. Of course, he caught feelings. But this is a mutual pleasure deal. We both give, and we both receive. Therefore, we’re in a safe zone. The balance is there.”

“That makes no sense,” I said.

“Neither does your ridiculous contract, but here we are.” He yawned, pretending to be bored. “Anyway. Food. Sex. All the orgasms. Check in and make sure we’re still annoyed by one another. What else?”

“Do you have any requests?” I asked.

“Hmmm… Are we telling anyone?”

“No. This stays between us. Why? Do you want to tell someone?”

“Not really. I don’t give a shit who knows what’s going on, but the guys already suspect, and I won’t lie about it.”

“Agreed. If anyone asks, we just say that it’s casual, and we’re having fun. I like getting this all squared away. This is very adult of us.”

“Very. We know where we stand. I’m good with it. I’ve never had an agreement with anyone I’ve been fucking, but I’m here for it.”

“Ahhh, glad you brought that up. Let’s add an addendum. No dipping your wiener schnitzel in any other ladies when you’re sleeping with me.”

Loud laughter escaped his lips, and it echoed around the cove. “Deal. But that means you stay the fuck away from all other wiener schnitzels while you’re enjoying mine.”

“I can do that.”

“Well, we have an agreement, and I wouldn’t be a very good non-boyfriend if I didn’t stick to the terms.”

“How about I read us some romance and see if it gets you in the mood?” I said, waggling my brows.

“Fine. But just so you know, I’m always in the mood when you’re around.”

I leaned back, opened my Kindle app, and offered him a few options. “We’ve got a small-town romance, a mafia romance, and a billionaire romance. Do you have a preference?”

“Will one of those lead to you getting naked on this kayak?”

“Maybe.” I laughed and leaned back, swiping to chapter one. “Let’s do the small-town romance. I’ll read one chapter, and you read the next.”

“No fucking way. That wasn’t in the contract. You read, and I listen.”

“That’s not fair. Why am I doing all the reading?”

“Because I don’t want to read this book. How about you read, and I bury my face between your thighs while I listen? Then we’ll both be doing some work.”

My teeth sank into my bottom lip, and I shifted my legs apart. “Deal.”