Page 81 of Wild River

“You got it, River. I’ll be here, staring at my good-looking stain job.”

I made my way down the hall and changed clothes quickly before we got in the car.

“How’s your sister doing?” I couldn’t help but ask. I’d missed her at the hospital, and I hadn’t been by the bar because I’d wanted her to come to me, but I couldn’t get her out of my fucking head.

“You know Ruby, she’s always good. It’s just who she is.” He shrugged, and I took a minute to process his words.

“No one is always good. I think she just hides it well.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right. I’m trying to get my shit together because, I don’t know, I think she’s tired of me being a pain in the ass. She deals with everyone else’s crap, you know? The least I could do is not add to it.”

It was about fucking time someone got on board and had her back.

“It’s a good thing to get your shit together. You’re not a kid anymore. Time to grow up.” I pulled in front of the trailer just as Ruby came walking outside.

“Speak of the devil,” Rico said with a laugh as he pushed out of the car. “What’s up, sis?”

I didn’t miss the way her eyes widened and her lips turned up the slightest bit as I stepped out of the car.

I had a feeling she’d missed me as much as I’d missed her.

“Hey. Where are you two coming from?”

“Your brother just stained my entire dock, so I figured the least I could do was give him a ride home.”

A genuine smile spread across her face. “Really? That’s amazing, Rico.”

“Thanks. What are you doing here?”

“Mom needed some groceries, and I cleaned up a little. She’s wallowing again.” Ruby shrugged, but her eyes never left mine.

“I’ll take it from here.” Rico kissed her cheek. “You working tonight?”

“No. I’m actually taking the night off. I’m going to take the kayak out and relax a little.”

“Not to be a total pain in the ass, but my car isn’t working. Any chance I could use yours to take Panda to dinner? I’ll bring it by in the morning, and I promise to fill it with gas.”

She reached into her pocket and tossed him her keys. “Sure. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Thanks. I’ll text you later in the week, River, and see if you have anything for me. I’ll be busy at the gym for the next few days.”

“Yeah. No problem. Thanks for doing the dock.” I held up a hand, and he walked into the trailer.

Ruby strode toward me. “Hey.”

“Hey, Queenie. Long time no see.”

“Yeah. You haven’t been by the bar in a while,” she said.

“Ah, is this your way of telling me you missed me?”

She rolled her eyes. “No. Just an observation.”

“You want a ride home?”

“I can walk,” she said, clearing her throat.

I moved closer, my hand grazing hers. “I didn’t ask if you were capable of walking. I know how capable you are. I asked if youwanteda ride.”