His comment struck me. He was right. I’d been avoiding my mother’s calls, and Rico seemed to be keeping busy with odd jobs that River had found for him. Zane had stopped by the bartwice this week and hadn’t asked for money or needed me to solve any major problems for him.
And I’d actually been enjoying being home.
“Don’t get cocky. It was one good day,” I said, as I paused at my father’s door.
“And one really good night,” he whispered in my ear and then winked before pushing ahead of me and walking in first.
The bastard.
“My two favorite people are here,” Dad said as he looked up from the chair he was sitting at, working on a puzzle.
A memory of doing puzzles with him as a young girl flashed through my mind. We’d spend hours working on them. He’d even had a few framed, and they hung in the hallway at the house.
I pulled up a chair, sitting beside him as I glanced at the box with a picture of mountains and a large lake. “This is pretty.”
“Yeah, it reminded me of the area we used to kayak to in that little cove.”
River pulled up another chair and placed it on the other side of him. “So, I’m one of your favorite people, huh?”
“Of course, that’s what you focused on. And by the way, you’re definitely his second favorite.”
“Well, you are his child. I would hope I didn’t knock you out of the top spot.”
“In your dreams,” I grouched and reached for a few puzzle pieces and got to work.
My father just laughed as we continued to banter back and forth before Dad jumped in and started chatting with me.
“How’s it going with Wendy?” my father asked as we continued working on the puzzle.
River was ridiculously competitive and pointed out every time he found a match and started keeping score.
“Better, actually. I haven’t been taking her calls lately. Her rent is paid. The boys are fine. And I’ve been busy at the bar.”
“That’s good to hear, Rubes. And the boys are men, keep that in mind. I hope you’re having some fun. I asked River to keep an eye on you for me.”
“I’m definitely keeping an eye on her.Showeringher with lots of attention.” He looked up at me with this wickedly sexy grin on his face, and I wanted to lunge over the table and throat-punch him.
And also crash my mouth into his because I liked kissing him.
Damn it. This happened every time I was around him.
My dad didn’t even notice the comment he’d made. “Good. She’s always worked too much, and she’s young. She needs to have a little fun, too.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” River said.
We spent the next hour working on the puzzle and chatting, and every time I looked up, I caught River looking at me. We couldn’t seem to keep our eyes off one another.
“All right, I’m going to head home and change and get over to the bar.” I stood and kissed my father’s cheek.
“You work too hard, Rubes,” Dad said, smiling up at me. “I’ll try to get out of here as quickly as I can so you can get back to your real life.”
“It’s fine. I’ve got a few weeks to decide if I want to take that job at the university.” I didn’t necessarily want that job, but it wasn’t like I had a ton of other offers coming in, and the salary they were offering was impressive. I wouldn’t mind making enough money to live comfortably for once. To not stress over bills.
“You need a ride?” River asked, leaning back in his chair as his eyes scanned me from my head down to my feet.
Slowly perusing, as his tongue swiped out to wet his bottom lip.
I squeezed my thighs together and glared at him. “Nope. I prefer to walk.”