Page 74 of Wild River

“I heard John Cook is thinking of retiring next year,” I said, anxious for a subject change. John was the captain at the Magnolia Falls firehouse where Hayes worked.

“Yeah. He’s ready. He said he’s got a few more months in him.” Hayes shrugged like he hadn’t been waiting for this day for the last few years.

“You putting your name in the hat?” Nash asked as he stared out at the water, where Cutler was jumping off the dock and the girls were catching him.

“He knows I want it, but fucking Lenny Davis is pushing for it, too. And apparently, they like a well-balanced dude, and Lenny being married to Kimber now makes him appealing. The dude will stab you in the back and throw you in the flames, but he’s got a social-climbing wife, so that makes him appealing? It’s such bullshit.”

“Play the fucking game,” I hissed. “The system isn’t always fair, so you’ve got to play by their rules.”

I fucking hated injustice, and there was a lot of it out there. It was the reason I got into law.

“I’m not going to get married just to get a job. I’m fucking good at what I do, and they know it. Who gives a shit if I have a wife?”

“Well, obviously, the people in charge care.” Kingston chuckled.

“Why would they give a shit if you were married?” Nash asked as he sipped his beer.

“It’s not necessarily about me being married. They like the firehouse to be an extension of family. John’s wife, Elise, is always throwing family picnics for everyone in the park, and it builds community or some shit.” He shook his head. “Kimber is nothing like Elise Cook, and I don’t see her doing any of that shit, but now, she’s suddenly bringing cookies to the firehouse every week. Fucking Lenny knows how to play the game.”

“So, play the game, too,” Romeo said. “You don’t have to be married. You could start dating again. I think a stable relationship might do the trick.”

“Been there. Done that. We all know how that turned out,” Hayes hissed.

“Not everyone is like Kate Campbell,” Kingston said.

“I almost walked down the aisle with the devil. I’m reminded of it every fucking day I have to see Lenny. Every fucking time I have to run into Kate in town. Not everyone needs to have that shit, and it definitely should not be a reason why I get promoted. It pisses me the fuck off.” Hayes crossed his arms over his chest.

“Really? It’s hard to tell that you’re pissed off with that vein about to burst in the side of your neck.” I chuckled. “You dodged a bullet, brother. And the day you give us the thumbs-up to kickLenny’s ass, I promise you we will sic Romeo on him in a dark alley.”

More laughter.

Hayes was engaged to Kate, whom he’d dated for several years. I’d never been a fan of her. The way she flirted with all of us had never seemed playful. She was desperate for attention, and she’d get it any way that she could. Hayes had always been guarded, but for whatever reason, he’d let his guard down with her. And she’d fucked him over in the worst way.

“Trust me… I’d love to unleash Golden Boy on his arrogant ass. There’d been a rumor that he was thinking about transferring a few months ago, but with Cook letting word get out that he might be retiring, Lenny is suddenly determined to stay here,” Hayes said, letting out a frustrated breath. “My disdain for the guy just gets worse every time I’m around him.”

“Yeah. He’s a real piece of shit,” I said, and Nash, Romeo, and Kingston all nodded in agreement.

“Well, you’ve got time. He’s not leaving for a while. Maybe the right woman will knock you on your ass.” Nash stretched his legs and crossed them at the ankles.

“I think meeting the wrong woman first sort of ruins it for all future women.” Hayes barked out a laugh. “And then I look at the men my mom has picked, and the truth is, some people are better off alone.”

“I get that. I mean, my reasons are different. I just personally can’t imagine only being with one woman. It’s like being told you can only have vanilla ice cream for the rest of your life. I like mint chocolate chip. Sometimes I feel like cookies and cream.” Kingston smirked.

“Baby, did King just basically compare me to vanilla ice cream?” Demi said with a laugh from where she stood behind Kingston’s chair.

“Ah, not you, Beans. If I met a girl that was all the flavors mixed together, I’d for sure change my ways.”

“Nice save.” Demi sauntered over and sat down on Romeo’s lap. “What are we talking about?”

“Hayes is telling us why he’s never going to date anyone again after the shit Kate pulled on him,” Romeo said before he kissed her cheek. She looked over at Hayes, and her gaze softened.

“Yes, there are bad people in the world, Hayes. But not everyone is bad.” She smiled at him.

“I’ve just met too many of them to ever go all in again.” He shrugged.

“Don’t you worry that you’ll get lonely?” she asked.

“I do just fine, Beans. Don’t you worry about me.” Hayes winked at her.