Page 58 of Wild River

Anyway… I need a favor. Are any of you in need of some help around the house? Yard work? Handyman type of shit?


I told you that we aren’t hiring Cassie. She’s all yours, brother.

I’m more than aware. It’s not Cassie.


Why am I nervous? This is usually a question we’d get from King, not you. Who the hell are you helping out?


Oh, I cannot wait to hear who it is.

It’s not a big deal. Rico Dane is looking for work. Oscar fired him.


Rico Dane Junior? Because Rico Dane Senior was so fucking memorable?


I hate when people think they’re so important that they need a title at the end of their name. Everyone should be given their own fucking name and own it.


Like Beefcake Heart the first?


He’s definitely the one and only dude who can rock that name.


Hold up. Are we all missing something big here? Rico Dane Junior happens to be Ruby’s brother, correct?

Your point?


I’m just saying, it’s weird that you’ve never helped anyone other than one of us and Cassie, and that was because her mom helped Grammie, and now you’re helping a dude you can’t stand. I wonder why?


He does make a good point.


Rico is a complete fuck-up. Are you asking us to help him, or are you asking us to help Ruby?


My question exactly.

I groaned. If I said it was for Rico, they wouldn’t do it. Everyone in town knew the dude couldn’t hold down a job. No one was going to agree to help him. But I also didn’t want to get bombarded with a shit ton of questions.

Does it really matter?