I couldn’t help but smile because I liked seeing her all pissed off and worked up. She was sexy as hell and full of fire, and I’d never wanted to slam someone against a wall and cover their mouth with mine just to shut them up as much as I did her.
Just to taste her.
To hear those little moans that she makes when she’s about to come undone.
Hell, maybe I was the one who was frustrated.
This woman was so far under my skin I couldn’t think straight.
I held up my hand and walked out the door.
When I got back to the office, Cassie and her cousin were busy chatting about their plans to go to the lake later, and I told her not to interrupt me until my next client arrived in thirty minutes.
My phone rang, and it was from an unknown number.
“This is River,” I grumped.
“Hey, dude. It’s Rico. Are you still willing to help me out?”
“I wasn’t kidding about the one shot. You flake, and you’re gone.”
“I got it.”
“Be at my office tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Don’t make me regret this,” I hissed.
“I won’t,” he said, and I ended the call.
I dropped to sit behind my desk and saw that the RoD group chat was going off, so I took a minute to catch up.
Just left the Daily Market, and Oscar’s dog, Boone, had been returned to his yard.
And I give a fuck about this because?
My thoughts exactly.
Because Oscar was reunited with his best friend, you dickwads.
Holy shit. Demi said that Ruby called Midge out at the diner for stealing Boone and basically told her she’d be arrested if she didn’t return him.
Ruby is such a badass. Have you made a move yet, brother?
I told you, there’s nothing going on. But she’s convinced Midge is a dog snatcher, and clearly, she was right.
Why the fuck doesn’t Midge just go to the pound and adopt a dog like everyone else?