Page 55 of Wild River

“I don’t need you to give him a handout. I’ve got it covered.”

“Yeah, you’ve got everyone covered, don’t you?” I asked as I stood there, staring at her. I couldn’t get this fucking woman out of my mind. Out of my thoughts.

I was horny as hell, and I didn’t want anyone else.

This had never happened to me before, and I didn’t know how the fuck to handle it.

I’d tried avoiding her for a few days, but that hadn’t eased my discomfort at all.

So here I was, helping out her misfit fucking brother.

Because I just wanted to be around her. Be within a few feet of her. Hear her voice. Watch her work.

I just wanted to be in Ruby fucking Rose’s orbit.

It calmed me in the strangest way. Even if she was pissed or irritated, I liked it.

“I do. And we’re all fine.”

“Let me get this straight. Your asshole brother calls you a bitch and begs for a job, and you turn him down. I tell him to apologize to you, and I offer to help him out, and you’re pissed at me?”

“Correct. What even is this? You saw me break down in an elevator one time, and you think I need saving now? I’m not some damsel in distress, River. I don’t need your help.”

“You are one fucking stubborn woman, aren’t you?”

“You don’t know anything about me.” She raised a brow.

“I know more than you think I do. But one thing is for certain: You sure do get pissed off at the wrong fucking people. I’m not the bad guy here.”

She glared at me. “Who do you think you are? Some sort of expert on my life? Please. And who is it that you think I should be pissed off at?”

“How about the people who treat you like shit? Your mother. Your brothers. The people who use you and just keep coming back for more. But by all means, get pissed off at the dude who tried to help you. That makes a fuck ton of sense.”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about!” she shouted. “I don’t need your help. I don’t need anything from you.”

Her reaction was completely irrational, and I expected nothing less.

The woman didn’t know how to let anyone in.

And I understood it because I didn’t trust most people either.

But I trusted some.

My boys. My grandmother.

Everyone needed someone.

And Lionel couldn’t be that person for her right now, and we both knew it.

So, I did what I do best—I acted like I didn’t give a shit.

“Yeah. Just sixty seconds with me on my knees, right, Queenie?”

She moved so fast that I barely reacted in time, as she chucked the bar towel at me. “Fuck you, River.”

“I think you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Maybe that’s why you’re so pissed off all the time. You’ve never been fucked properly. That has to be pretty frustrating for you.”

“You’re an asshole.” She flipped me the bird. “Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.”