She shocked the shit out of me when she did a curt nod and then stormed away.
Holy shit. This was as much of an admission as I could have hoped for.
That was far too easy. I dropped down to sit in the booth and smiled.
“Whatever that was, it was impressive. You had Midge quaking in her Crocs.” Saylor laughed. “Good to see you, Ruby. It’s been a long time.”
I didn’t know Saylor Woodson well, but we’d grown up in the same small town, and though she was a few years younger than me, we’d always been friendly. I’d run into her a few summers down at the lake when we were kids, and she’d always seemed a little shy but very nice.
“That was just me catching Midge with her hand in the cookie jar.” I shrugged before turning my attention back to Saylor. “Good to see you, too. Are you home for good?”
“That’s what we’re talking about,” Demi said. “Saylor wants to start a business, and we just came up with the best idea.”
Letty approached the table to take our orders, and we all quickly told her what we wanted before she walked away.
“I can’t wait to hear it,” I said.
“I want to open a romance bookstore.” Saylor waggled her brows like this was the most devious thing she’d ever said aloud.
“I am so here for it,” Peyton said as Letty set our drinks down in front of us.
“So, we have that space next to the coffee shop, and we’re thinking that she could put a bookstore in there. What goes better with coffee and muffins than a book?”
“I’ll tell you what goes better with coffee and muffins than a book. Coffee, muffins, and a book with lots of sex in it. A swoony man who loves his heroine fiercely and throws her down on the dining room table and has his way with her.” Peyton reached for her soda and took a sip.
Saylor and Demi both laughed as I gaped at them. “I’ve not read for pleasure in forever. I’ve been in school for so long that I haven’t gotten to read anything that wasn’t academic. Clearly, I’m missing out.”
“Oh, you are so missing out.” Saylor shook her head and smiled. “Romance is the best escape ever. I read a few books a week, and I think owning a bookstore would be the best way to spend my days. I’d be tying my passion to my career.”
“Damn straight,” Peyton said. “I am here for the passion. I love a dirty-talking asshole, and I’m guessing most of this town will be all over a romance bookstore. Even if some of the uptight locals act like they wouldn’t dream of reading swoony fiction. They’ll be there. Trust me.”
Demi was laughing now, and Letty set our plates down in front of us. “I think it’ll be brilliant. They can get their drinks and treats and then grab a book and read.”
“And then after they’ve had their fill, they can come on down to the bar to have a cocktail and find themselves a book-worthy man.” I reached for my burger, and they all nodded in agreement, like I hadn’t been joking.
Damn. Maybe I need to start reading romance.
“My brother will probably have a meltdown when I tell him I’m staying and investing in a business, but he’ll get over it.”
“Why wouldn’t he want you to stay?” I asked as I set my burger back down on my plate.
“My mom is back with Barry Leonard, and let’s just say, there’s no love there with Hayes and me and our evil stepfather. He doesn’t want me around Barry, but I love our mom, and I’m not going to stay away from my home just because she has a crappy husband, you know?”
“Well, coming from someone who has a very complicated relationship with her mother, I get it. I’ve stayed away for a long time just to avoid it.”
“But then they win. That’s not really fair, right? Why should I be run out of a place that I love? The place where I grew up. Where my brother lives and I have friends. No. I’m not running away because someone is an asshole.” She reached for her drink and took a sip.
“I never thought of it as running away because that’s not really my style. But I get what you’re saying. I guess it justdepends on how toxic things are. If you can avoid being pulled under,” I said.
Saylor’s gaze softened as she took me in. “But you love your dad. You two have always been so close, from what I remember. I used to see you and Lionel everywhere together when we were young. So why shouldn’t you be able to be here? I get it. Sometimes being away is freeing. Being removed from the drama. But at the end of the day, this is home. I like it here. And where else can I open a romance bookstore next to the world’s cutest coffee shop?”
“Yes to that, girl!” Peyton said loud enough that several heads turned in our direction.
“Do you like being here?” Demi asked, turning her attention to me. “I mean, outside of the drama with your mom and brothers.”
“I don’t know. I never stop long enough to think about it, because there’s always something going on with one of them, and I usually can’t wait to get out of here. And the jobs that I’m applying for are not here in Magnolia Falls. I don’t know what I’d do here, and I certainly don’t want to run the bar forever. My life is just not here anymore.” It was the truth, but there was a peacefulness here that I hadn’t felt anywhere else. When I was out on the water, tuning out all the noise, it was actually my favorite place in the whole world. I’d applied for a therapist position in the city, as well as a high school counselor position in Arizona. I was open to anything at this point. But from a professional standpoint, the collegiate teaching position would be the wisest move for me at this point in my career.
“Well, maybe you should just enjoy this time while you’re here. Cutler is counting on you to ride with us every week now, so hopefully, we can convince you that this place isn’t all bad.” Demi reached for her water and took a sip.