Page 45 of Wild River

And my body started tingling just as he unleashed into my mouth, and I followed him into oblivion. A guttural sound left his lips, and I loved hearing him lose control.

I continued moving up and down his shaft until he slowed.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and looked up at him just as the timer went off.

My lips turned up in the corners, and he laughed.

I turned off the alarm and pushed to my feet as he pulled up his briefs and his jeans and tucked himself in.

“Well, that was—eventful.”

“I’ll take my glory now. Sixty seconds was all I needed.” I pumped my arm into the sky in celebration. “Turned you into a prepubescent teenage boy with no control whatsoever.”

“Says the woman who just came twice in two minutes.”

“Hey, you only got me there once.”

“I beg to differ. I think having my dick in your mouth got you there the second time.”

“Touché. Either way, it was a win for me.” I stepped back, unsure how to act now. So I did the most awkward thing possible and held out my hand. “It was a pleasure doing business with you, River Pierce.”

He took my hand and held it there, staring down at me with a wicked grin on his face. “I don’t know that this deal is done. I think you’ve had a taste of the wild side, and you’ll be back.”

“How very unlawyerly of you to say that. We had a deal. You’re already willing to break the contract?” My voice was all tease as I pulled my hand back from his grasp.

“I told you that I’m not a very good lawyer. But I am a good fuck, and I have a feeling you’re going to want to find out for yourself.”

“I thought you were Mr. One-and-Done?” I patted my skirt in place because I didn’t know what to do with my hands.

“I’ve never had a sixty-second deal with a woman, so I don’t really have a set rule on how that works. I’d normally spend an evening with someone, not a minute. So I think the rules could be bent.”

“I don’t think so. I just got everything I need. There’s nothing more to explore.”

He nodded, a cocky smile on his face. “We’ll see about that.”

“Don’t hold your breath.”

And then he did the most surprising thing of all. He stepped forward and wrapped his hand around the back of my head, and he kissed me.


When he pulled back, I was breathless. “See you later, Queenie.”

And he walked right out the door.

And what do you know? I was turned on all over again.

This man was dangerous, just as I’d suspected.

I needed to take the gift he’d given me and run as far away from him as I could.


. . .


I’d just gottento Knockout Gym to meet the guys. Romeo owned the place, and ever since he’d won his fight, the gym had been packed. He planned to expand on the building, and I’d just helped him file the paperwork with the city to get the permits in place.