A loud laugh bellowed from his sexy mouth, and I couldn’t help but stare. He really was a beautiful man. All hard lines and muscled shoulders and dark eyes as he dropped back down on the barstool.
“Fuck your mom. She should be kissing your ass. I take it she wanted you to give her the money directly?”
“Correct. But we’ve been down that road one too many times. And she would have taken the money and paid half toward rent and kept the rest for God knows what. Then she’d hit me up in another week.”
He nodded. “She’s a real piece of work. So, what’s your problem with line dancing?”
“I’m just not a big joiner, you know? I don’t care much for group activities. But I like Demi and Peyton.”
“I’m not a joiner either. I hate that shit. But I’ll go out with the guys and sit on the sidelines. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“So, he plants flowers for his grandmother and sits on the sidelines while people are having fun. Inquiring minds want to know, Wild River, what do you do for fun?”
He asked for a water when I offered to refill his beer, and I set the water glass down in front of him.
“I don’t really care about having fun. I just do what I want to do, which means I work a lot, spend time with my grandmother,hang out with the guys, and I have my time with Cutler, which is usually the highlight of my week.”
This man was full of surprises.
“All work and no play?”
Why was I asking? Why did I care?
“Well, if you’re asking what I think you’re asking… Yes. I like to have a good time with a woman. Apparently, I’m a really good fuck. So, sure, sex is my outlet, I guess.”
Did it just get hot in here?
I cleared my throat and tried to play it cool, but I hadn’t expected that answer. Even if it was what I’d wanted to know.
“Well, we’ve already established that you aren’t very lawyerly, so you’d have to be good at something, I guess.”
Is my voice shaking?
He ran the tip of his pointer finger around the rim of his glass, and for whatever reason, it was the sexiest move I’d ever seen. “How about you? Do you enjoy sex? I wouldn’t guess the boring professor could keep you satisfied.”
The man could have his Ph.D. in psychology. He was really good at reading people. Maybe that was why I was so drawn to him. We were both guarded and always assessing everyone around us.
“I’ve never relied on a man to satisfy me. I’ve always been the only one who could get the job done.”
Yeah. I just went there. And it’s true. I have no shame in my game.
His tongue dipped out to wet his lips again. “No man has ever made you come? That’s a shame, Queenie. You’re missing out.”
“I don’t particularly find men to be all that skilled. So why would I rely on someone to do something I could take care of myself as often as I want to?” I waggled my brows, attempting to be playful.
But his eyes were jet-black now, as they bore into mine. “Sixty seconds and I could get you there.”
“So cocky,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady when I was anything but.
Have I ever been this turned on before?
“Not cocky. Because I wouldn’t even need mycockto get the job done.”
“Really?” I leaned forward, elbows propped on the bar, closing the distance between us. “You’re that sure of yourself, huh?”
“Oh, yeah. I could do it a few different ways, but I think I’d prefer my mouth. I’ve got a magical tongue, Queenie. I’d enjoy tasting you and making you fall apart with a few flicks.”
Oh. My. God.