Page 35 of Wild River

His tongue slid along his bottom lip, and I squeezed my thighs together in response. “Seems to be fine. You want to check it out for me just to be safe?”

“I told you. I don’t play in wild rivers.”

“Yeah, that’s right. You like boring professors.”

“Don’t deflect. Why don’t you just fire her?”

“It’s Cassie Windfield.” He reached for the bowl of nuts before grabbing a handful.

“Samantha Windfield’s daughter? Yes, I remember her. She is a bubbly ball of joy, isn’t she?”

“Yep. That’s the one.”

“So, why can’t you just tell her it isn’t working out?”

“Samantha runs Magnolia Haven, and she pulled some strings to get my grandma a room where she could have a little garden area. She lives for her flowers.”

“Ah, that was nice of her. I always liked your grandmother. She worked at the library. I remember her talking about her flowers even back then. Is she still able to work in the garden?”

“No. King and I keep the garden up. Well, I do most of the planting. King just shows up and entertains her most of the time.”

This was unexpected. I couldn’t picture River Pierce planting flowers. Although I guessed this man liked to get dirty. I just didn’t imagine there were flowers involved.

“You’re sweeter than I would have guessed.”

“Don’t get excited. It’s only for her.”

I nodded. I understood that. I felt the same way about my father.

“So, you owe Samantha a favor, and employing Cassie is the way to repay her?”


“Then you just have to try to make it work. Suck it up, buttercup. Maybe praise her for the things she does right and try not to focus on everything she’s doing wrong.”

His heated gaze locked with mine. “You like praise, Queenie?”

I cleared my throat. “Not particularly, but I think most people do.”

“All right. I’ll think about it. But let’s get back to business. I told you something. You tell me something now.”

“You didn’t get enough at the hospital when I had my meltdown? How about we focus on you today. I’m sure there’s more to commiserate about than your bubbly receptionist being a pain in the ass.”

He took the last swig of his beer, slapped down a ten-dollar bill, and pushed to his feet. “All right, then. I’ll just head out.”

I rolled my eyes. “That’s a bit dramatic. Stop being a baby.”

“I don’t think I’m the one being a baby. If you want more out of me, then you need to give me something.”

“I’m certainly not desperate to get more out of you. If you don’t want to share anything else, why should I care?” I raised a brow.

“I see the way your breathing has accelerated. You’re enjoying this. So stop fucking denying it, and have a goddamn conversation with me.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re extremely bossy? And rude?”

“Daily.” He fixed his gaze on me and stared, letting me know that he was waiting.

“Fine. Let’s see… I went to the hospital, and my father is making progress, so that was great. I then met my mother at the property management company and paid her rent. Then she called me a piece of shit because I paid them directly, and that pissed her off. And then I came to work where fifty locals will be coming in a few hours to get theirgiddy upon and dance to country music, and Demi and Peyton want me to line dance with them and make it a girls’ night out, and I’d rather stick myself in the eye with a hot poker. Is that enough sharing for you?”