Fuck her for mixing up our boy with Midge’s mutt, which, by the way, is weird in itself. Demi told me that Oscar is missing his border collie, Boone, and Midge suddenly has the same type of dog? Aren’t they neighbors?
Holy fuck. I think Midge Longhorn is a dog thief. This isn’t the first time she’s done this.
What the fuck is happening here?
My sentiment exactly. My kid was mixed up with a dog by a woman who just burned off River’s dick.
His dick is fine. He’s been grumpier than usual lately. I think it’s been a while since he’s been laid.
He’s in a slump. Let him be.
I’m done with this ridiculous conversation. I have a client waiting for me, my crotch is soaking wet, and my dick is probably blistering beneath the denim. Go fuck yourselves.
Good chat.
Put some ice on it.
I can grab you some ointment from the firehouse if you need it.
Now he’s definitely not getting laid any time soon.
I turned off my phone and slipped it onto my desk when Cassie opened the door.
“Mary is here,” she said, with a big smile on her face as she guided the older woman to the chair across from me. “Oh, and, boss, Geneva Springs is here. She doesn’t have an appointment, but she just needs a quick minute when you’re finished.”
This was my life now.
I just had to accept it.
I narrowed my gaze at her, trying hard to keep my anger contained. “Close the door, please.”
I turned my attention to Mary and forced myself to get through the rest of the day.
I had no break, as my receptionist allowed not one, but three more clients without appointments to be seen.
The only thing that hadn’t been seen today was my cock.
I had no idea what kind of shape he was in. When I left the office, I was in a foul mood. I should go straight home, change my pants, and check my dick out.
But instead, I took a hard right toward Whiskey Falls because a cold beer sounded good about now.