Because her mother got Grammie in that great room at Magnolia Haven. Your flowers are looking good. I went by this morning. You’ve got a real green thumb.
Well, I’ve also got a dick that probably has third-degree burns. Cassie is driving me fucking crazy.
She set your dick on fire? Should we call Hayes?
Those aren’t the kind of fires that we put out. What happened?
She continues to let locals come in with no appointment, and she just spilled a hot cup of coffee in my lap. She’s completely incompetent.
She’s sweet, and she’s hot. That’s a win.
Sweet and hot is not going to help a dick that’s been burned.
I think he’s being a bit dramatic. Cassie’s great.
Then why don’t you and Nash hire her at the construction company?
Hell no. I ran into her last week at the Golden Goose, and she went on and on about how babysitting Cutler last week was the highlight of her year.
You let Cassie babysit Cutler?
Nope. In the end, she realized she’d been confused. It was someone else who’d been the highlight of her year.
Now I kind of want to know who she mixed up with Beefcake. He’s kind of a unique kid.
Funny you should ask. It was actually Midge Longhorn’s border collie. She mixed up my fucking kid with a dog.
I didn’t know Midge had a dog.
I tell you that Cassie mixed my kid up with a dog, and that’s your response?
I immediately thought of Ruby, and I couldn’t wait to tell her that Midge apparently had a dog now.