Page 136 of Wild River

“Is that so?” His voice was smooth and sexy as he covered his tattoo with the bandage and pulled me against his chest.

I tipped my head up and smiled. “It is.”

“I love you. I’m sorry I fucked everything up. I was going out of my mind. I didn’t want you to leave, and I didn’t know how to say it. How to tell you how I felt. And lashing out at the professor came more naturally to me.”

I laughed as the light breeze moved around us before I mimicked his words back to him. “Is that so?”

“It is.” He pushed the hair away from my face and tucked it behind my ear. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Ruby. And I’m probably going to fuck things up a lot, but I’m going to try hard not to.”

“I don’t expect you not to mess up. I’m sure I’ll mess up plenty, too. But we just need to talk about things as they come up.”

“Speaking of things coming up,” he teased, thrusting against me, and I felt just how much he’d missed me.

How much he wanted me.

And I couldn’t remember a time I’d ever been happier or more content.

Right here. Right now.

With this man.


. . .


Rubyand I were insatiable after being apart for a week. We’d had sex down by the water, back at my house two more times, and now she’d convinced me to take a bath with her.

Apparently, relationships were all about compromise. I wouldn’t know because I’d never had one.

But there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for this woman, and that included soaking in a bowl of unusually hot water. It meant that her naked body was pressed against mine.

That made it a win.

“So, we’ve established some new ground rules,” I said, as her back was pressed to my chest, careful not to rest it against the bandage, and our fingers were intertwined on one hand. The bathroom was dark, aside from the two candles she’d lit. The candlelight flickered against the walls, and I couldn’t remember a time I’d ever felt this content.

“Yep. I think we can both live with those terms.” Her voice was all tease. “Do you have anything to add?”

“Is it too soon to ask you to move in with me?”

Her body stiffened, and then she pulled some sort of mermaid move and flipped over onto her stomach so she couldlook at me. Her eyes scanned the bandage that we’d covered with a waterproof strip on top and then looked up at me.

“It’s not too soon. I don’t think there’s a time limit on when it’s appropriate to love someone.” She put her finger to my lips when I started to speak like I’d won this one. “However, your little stunt last week left me uncertain about where we stood. I’ve agreed to move in with Saylor, and I actually think it’s good for you and me to find our footing together and have our own places while we do that.”

“So, basically, if I annoy you, you have a safe house?” I barked out a laugh.

“I didn’t think of it like that, but yes, it gives us time to get used to this. We’ve both never had a relationship that was this…” She paused to think about it.

“Awesome. Amazing,” I said.

“Intense.” She smirked. “These feelings are new for both of us. So how about we keep doing what we were doing? We can spend our nights together, but sometimes we can be here and other times at my new place.”

“All right. I can live with that. And when you’re ready, you can move in here.” I stroked the hair away from her gorgeous face.


“How do you feel about marriage and kids?” I asked before I could stop the words from leaving my mouth.