Page 130 of Wild River

“How about we both give that a try, huh?”

I nodded. “Yep. Not sure I can repair things at this point, but I’ll go and hear everyone out.”

I hurried down the hall and slipped on my shoes, my mind still reeling.

Ruby lived here now.

She hadn’t left me for the professor.

She hadn’t left me at all. But she also hadn’t told me about her change of plans, which meant she was pissed at me. Possibly hated me.

I owed her a lot more than I’d given her.

I had no idea if it was too late to fix the damage I'd caused, but I needed to try.

Kingston was at the door, holding his keys in his hand. “Let’s go.”

I followed him out, and a yellow sticky note stuck to the door caught my eye.

Love you, brother.

My chest squeezed.

Maybe sticky notesweremy new fucking love language.


. . .


“Hello?”I called out when I got to the barn at Demi and Romeo’s ranch house. She had texted me and asked me to meet her out here because she wanted to show me the progress they were making.

“Please don’t be mad at me.” Demi winced as she came striding toward me, with Romeo and all the guys behind her. My eyes locked immediately with River’s, who was watching me the way he always did.


“What is this?”

“Romeo clearly can’t keep a secret, and honestly, Ruby, you can’t avoid him forever.” She squeezed my hand when she moved in front of me, apology written all over her face.

“I wasn’t avoiding anyone. He’s the one who called me a liar and behaved like a petulant child. He could come find me anytime he wanted.”

“Hedidn’t know you were here,” River said, closing the distance between us.

“So, if I didn’t live here, the apology would never come?” I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. Demi and theguys took a few steps back, and she gave me an awkward wave before they all hurried out of the half-built barn.

I turned my attention back to River, who was looking ridiculously sexy with his disheveled hair and his biceps straining against his black tee. I saw the exhaustion in his eyes, and my instinct was to throw myself into his arms.

I will not forget that this man accused me of horrible things. He doesn’t trust me, and that’s unacceptable. If we have any chance of moving forward, he’s got to understand that so this shit doesn’t ever happen again.

“Well, if you didn’t live here, I wouldn’t have known you weren’t with the professor. That what I saw that night wasn’t true. That I misread the situation.”

“You misread the situation? That’s what you have to say?” I questioned, because this was far from an apology.

“Queenie.” His voice broke, and my chest squeezed at how vulnerable he sounded. “I’ve never felt this way before. I fucked up, and I don’t know what to do about it.”

“Did you honestly believe that I was back together with him and that I’d played you the whole time? I mean, how can you say that you love me and then think I would do that?” A lump formed in my throat as I looked up at him.