Page 129 of Wild River

This nightmare would never end. I glanced down and read it.

I just saw Ruby at Magnolia Beans. Apparently, she lives here now. Who’s the best brother now?

“What are you talking about? Didn’t she already start her new job at the university? And why the fuck did you write this on a sticky note?”

“I thought sticky notes were your new love language.” He shrugged before answering the other questions. “Yes. She started her new job. She works at Fresh Start. She and Saylor are looking for a house to rent. Lots of shit has been going down while you’ve been wallowing, brother.” He shook his head. “Apparently, the girls knew, but Ruby didn’t want them to tell anyone. Romeo eventually figured it out and told us this morning, and then I saw her with my own eyes today.”

My mind was reeling. I couldn’t make sense of it. “How do you know she’s working at Fresh Start?”

“Well, for starters, I didn’t ask her on a one-sided sticky note. I ran into her. Asked what she was doing there. And she told me she took a job at Fresh Start and that she and Saylor had been looking at homes to rent.”

“Her boyfriend was here. I didn’t make that up. This makes no sense.” I paced around the kitchen, feeling the slightest bit of life coming back to me now.

“Funny you should mention that. I also asked her about Professor Preppy Pants, and she said he’d come to make sure she hadn’t turned down the job because of him. They’re friends. He was checking on her.”


Fuck me.


“Yeah,oh, dipshit. You really fucked this one up.”

“So, she never signed the contract?”

“Apparently not, but I do believe she’s since found said sticky note,” he said, moving to the pantry and pulling out a box of cookies.

“How do you know? She told you?”

“Well, I know we shouldn’t assume, but she asked me to give you this when I said I was heading over here to see you.” He reached into his back pocket again and pulled out another sticky note.

He handed it to me, and I looked down to read it.

You loved me enough to write it on a sticky note, but you didn’t trust me enough to talk to me.

I let out a long breath and ran a hand through my hair. “I guess I read that situation wrong.”

“You think? People reading has never been your strength. You’re too quick to think the worst. I, on the other hand, am very good atthe reading of the people.” He popped a chocolate chip cookie into his mouth.

“Oh, yeah? The fucking sticky note was your idea.” I stared down at her note, wondering what the hell to make of it. Did she hate me now?

I’d basically accused her of sleeping with the professor.

Of lying to me the whole time we’d been together.

Of jumping from my bed to his.

“Hey, now. We can’t win ‘em all. But I have a good track record.”

“And what the fuck do I do now, genius?”

He finished chewing, and a wide grin spread across his face as he glanced down at his phone, reading a text when his phone vibrated. “The guys are waiting for us to meet them at Romeo’s ranch so we can put our heads together and figure this shit out.”

“I thought Nash and Romeo were at work. And doesn’t Hayes work at the firehouse today?”

“Ride or die, dicklicker. I called them on my way over here. I told them that our boy had fucked up royally, and we needed to help him get his queen back. This calls for all men on deck. Go get your shoes on, assmuncher. We need to get going.”

I nodded and started walking before turning around, my gaze finding Kingston’s. “Thanks for what you said earlier. I’m glad you don’t remember much. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy.”