I’d never told a man that I loved him outside of my father, and I’d made a decision to stay here, and that decision had a lot to do with my feelings for River.
Magnolia Falls felt right for me.
But now, I wondered if I’d made a huge mistake.
Love was a bitch, and this was why you didn’t give your heart away. Hell, I hadn’t even told the man how I felt yet, and he’d already stomped on my heart.
The bastard.
I reached into my purse for some tissue, and my shoulders shook and quaked, and I remembered that time in the elevator when I’d broken down in front of River.
He’d been the one to comfort me.
That day and every day since.
And now I didn’t have a clue where we stood.
The more I cried, the angrier I got. I would not allow any man to control my emotions like this.
I pulled the rearview mirror down and cleaned up my face, calmed my breathing, and let out a few deep breaths.
“You’re fine. You’re in control. You’re stronger than this.” I repeated those words over and over a few times until I started to believe them.
And then I put the mirror back in place and put the car in drive.
I was moving forward, and for now, River Pierce could kiss my ass.
It had been three days since my run-in with River at the bar, and my new job started tomorrow, so this was my last official day off. My father had taken over his shifts at the bar, and I was officiallydone at Whiskey Falls. My dad was absolutely thrilled that I was staying in Magnolia Falls.
I hadn’t gone back to the bar because I had no intention of speaking to River. I didn’t know if he knew I was still in town, nor did I care at this point.
Well, that was a lie. I cared a little.
It was all I thought of, if I was being honest.
Dad was at the bar, and I was home alone. Demi, Saylor, and Peyton had all been texting me to see how I was, as they knew I’d decided to stay. I asked them not to share it when they’d all shown up at my house the morning after River had blasted me at the bar. They were equally pissed on my behalf and agreed he didn’t deserve to know what my plans were at this point.
He clearly didn’t trust me, and he obviously thought very little of me.
They were coming over here today with lunch to celebrate my last day off before I started the new job. It was sweet that they cared. I hadn’t told my father anything about what happened with River, as I’d become a pro at hiding my feelings.
The knock on the door startled me from my thoughts, and I opened it to three smiling faces.
“Last day before the new job starts,” Demi said, holding up a large bag from the Golden Goose and shaking it in front of me.
I hugged each one of them, and they came inside, setting up our food at the dining table.
“You look like hell. You can’t hide from him forever, you know.” Peyton pulled four bottles of water from the bag and passed them out.
“I’m not hiding from him. I just don’t want to see him because I still have a strong desire to kick him in the balls,” I admitted, and they all laughed.
Saylor handed us each a sandwich and a bag of chips, and we settled in our chairs.
“Romeo said River has been in a foul mood for days, and he’s been at home sick.” Demi unwrapped her turkey sandwich. She’d let me know that the night he’d left with Evie, nothing had happened, as he’d called the guys to come over right away.
But who knew what he was up to since then?
And why should I care?