Doreen was behind the bar, and I walked over to her.
“Hey, River, what can I get you?”
“Nothing for now. I thought Ruby was working the night shift tonight?”
“Yeah. She asked me to stay on late because her friend is here, and they’ve been in the back talking for the last hour. Maybe he’s here to help with her move? I don’t know, but if you want to tell her to hurry up, that would be great. My feet are killing me, and I’d love to clock out.”
My shoulders stiffened.
He’s here to help with her move.
“Who is the dude she’s with?” I asked, as she stood at the tap, filling a few beer glasses for an order.
“Some guy named Dereck. He’s from the city, I think.”
The fucking professor.
Well, that didn’t take long.
I stormed behind the bar, pushing open the double doors to the kitchen and barreling through like a man on a mission.I nodded at Calvin, who was cooking, and strolled toward the stairs, assuming they were in her office.
The place I’d first been with her.
But I startled when I found them in the corner of the kitchen, her back against the wall, looking like she was trying to convince him of something.
He appeared to be pretty devastated, and she was comforting him like she felt bad about something.
I’ll bet she fucking did.
Had they been together this whole time while she’d been fucking around with me?
And now she was going back to her old life.
Back to her routine, with her boring-ass boyfriend who probably had old man balls.
“What the fuck is going on here?” I barked, and they both startled.
Highlight of my day was seeing this motherfucker squirm as he took me in.
“What the hell are you doing?” Ruby narrowed her gaze at me as I moved toward them like a goddamn stormtrooper on a mission.
“Who do we have here?” I said, my voice smooth and calm, even though I was ready to rip his head from his body. He wore a goddamn polo shirt and khaki pants, and his hair was cut short like he was in the military.
This was the dude she was going back to?
“Hey, I’m Dereck Hamilton,” he said, and even his voice was pretentious. He had a slight East Coast Ivy League twang that made him seem like he was better than the rest of us. He extended his hand, and I stared down at it.
“Put your hand away, Professor.”
He raised a brow, as if the man had never had anyone deny him anything.
And clearly, the woman I loved wasn’t denying him either.
“River, you’re being an ass.”
“Oh, well, you didn’t seem to have a problem with my ass over the last two months, did you?” I smirked.
Her cheeks flamed red, as if she couldn’t believe I was saying it aloud.