Page 119 of Wild River

I liked the note better than King’s first idea, which was tattooing it on his chest and tearing his shirt off.


That was definitely a little much. Most of King’s ideas suck.


Hey, now. Un-fucking-true, you dick weasels. The tattoo was a stretch, but Ruby’s the kind of girl you go big with. The sticky note seems to have flopped, but we don’t know for sure if she saw it, right?

Of course, she fucking saw it. She had to have signed the contract by now. She’s moving in two days. She said goodbye to Grammie and the kids at Fresh Start yesterday. Obviously, she saw the note. It probably freaked her the fuck out. I should have explained it.


How do you explain it? I love you kind of says it all, right?


You do realize you’re taking advice from a man who’s never been in a relationship, right? No offense, King.


That’s a very good point.


We should have killed the sticky note idea right away.


Let’s all shoot the fucking messenger. I’m the only one getting shit done. None of you bring anything to the table.


Romeo is proposing to his girl, so why don’t we let him throw an idea into the hat?


Let’s hear it, Golden Boy.


Well, you could just go down to the bar and tell her how you feel. It would be a lot easier than wondering if she got the note.


This is a better plan.


Hindsight and all that, you judgy fuckers.

I’m done with this conversation. I’ll check back in later.

My phone continued vibrating, but I shoved it into my pocket and decided to take the goddamn bull by the horns. I’d never been afraid of anything, and I sure as shit was not afraid of Ruby Rose.

What do I have to lose at this point?

I walked the short distance to Whiskey Falls and pulled open the door. Evie shouted my name, her words already slurring from where she sat with a few of her friends. I held up my hand to briefly acknowledge her as my eyes scanned the bar. No sign of Ruby.