Page 104 of Wild River

“How about I do the large space and roll the paint on most of the wall, and you do all the edging?”

“Sounds good to me.” She dipped her brush into the fresh paint and got to work.

I could hear voices in the distance, laughter coming from one end, music coming from another. Everyone was pitching in because that was just what we did for one another.

“You going to be okay when she leaves?” Demi asked, looking up at me with her hair tied in a knot on top of her head.

“Of course, I will. I’m always okay, Beans.”

“I know you are. But it’s also okay if you’re not.”

“I’ll be fine. It’ll be good to get back to normal,” I said.

“Have you thought about asking her to stay?”

“No. She doesn’t want to stay. Hell, she hasn’t even applied for jobs here. She only applied out of state. This isn’t where she wants to be.” I rolled the paint across the length of the wall and moved to my right as Demi filled in the spots along the trim that I couldn’t get to.

“Maybe she doesn’t know you may want her to stay.” She paused. “If it were up to you, would you want her to stay?”

Fuck. It isn’t up to me. So, I’m not going to go there.

“You know I’m not big on fairy tales. I’m fine, Demi. I like being alone.”

I always had—up until recently. I’d preferred it for the longest time. That was why my relationship with Ruby was catching me off guard.

“That isn’t what I asked you, River.”

I dipped my roller into the fresh paint, and my gaze locked with hers. “It’s not up to me. End of story. Tell me about the progress on the house.”

She groaned and started painting along the bottom of the wall again. “Reese is driving out this week to go over some ideas for furniture and décor. I’m excited. Things are really coming along.”

“Yeah, every time I stop by, there’s more progress. You guys will be moving in before you know it.”

“Hey, River,” she said, her voice low and steady.

“Yep.” I knew she wasn’t done with our earlier conversation.

“Just because you don’t believe in fairy tales doesn’t mean they can’t happen. You deserve your happily ever after, just like everyone else.”

I watched as the fresh new paint covered the old, faded color with ease. Maybe that was how life worked. You could just keep putting on new coats of paint and starting over.

That was what I’d done most of my life.

“Sure. But everyone’s happily ever after might look different.”

“Yeah, I know. But it’s hard when you see it before your eyes, not to hope that someone grasps it, you know?”

“What do you mean?”

“I see it. This sort of magic that lives between you two. I love watching you guys together. All that banter and laughter—it’s pretty special.”

I rolled my eyes. “You think watching us argue and fight is special? I think you might be romanticizing things.”

“Even Romeo sees it. Hell, we all do. I just don’t want you to miss it, River. To let something good get away because you’re too stubborn to admit how you feel.”

I let her words sink in. Normally I would shut this shit down immediately, but this was Demi, and there was some truth to what she was saying.

What I had with Ruby was different from anything I’d ever had with a woman. But I also knew when someone had one foot out the door because it was normally me. And Ruby Rose had one foot out the door. She wanted bigger things than I had to offer, and she deserved them.