“What can I say? Life is full of surprises.” I waggled my brows, and he jumped out of the car and came around to get my door.
He was a walking contradiction. A dirty-talking gentleman. He had no problem whispering filthy things in my ear or pissing me off by challenging me at the most ridiculous things—yet he always opened my door and pulled out my chair for me.
“Speaking of surprises, did the dean like the latest tweaks I made to the contract?”
Yes, we were still negotiating the contract. River found yet another loophole that he insisted could screw me over if I signed it, so we’d returned it for the third time.
“He didn’t make any snide comments this time. He said he’d get it back to me this week, and he was looking forward to me having a long career teaching there.”
Three weeks. That was what we were down to. My father was coming home in two weeks, as he’d made amazing progress. ButI’d have one week with him at home to help him adjust, and I’d worked out a schedule at the bar with the staff, which meant he didn’t need to work long hours anymore.
Everything had come together.
“Good. Now, don’t try to get involved in what’s about to go down in here. You got me? I’ve got this handled. What time is Midge getting here?” he asked, and I looked down to see a message from her that had just come in.
“The yellow canary has landed.” I chuckled before typing back a message for her to wait for my text before coming inside. I needed to make sure we had Doug on board before he did anything to upset her. Turns out, Midge Longhorn was just lonely. She desperately wanted a dog, and I wasn’t leaving Magnolia Falls until she had one.
One that wasn’t stolen and belonged to her.
“Who the hell is the yellow canary?” River whisper-hissed as he pulled the door open and motioned for me to step inside.
“Do you not watch spy movies? The yellow canary is Midge in this scenario.”
“I don’t think she’d be a canary. She’s more like a vulture.”
I snapped my fingers in front of his face. “Stay focused. It’s game time.”
He shook his head and walked toward the front desk. “Is Doug Callan in?”
“Yes. May I ask who’s asking?” the teenage girl working behind the counter asked.
“Sure. Tell Doug it’s his worst freaking nightmare that’s asking, how about that?” I spewed, and the girl’s eyes went wide before she ran off.
“What was the one thing that I asked you to do?” River asked, voice totally even and in control as he looked at me.
“Sorry. My adrenaline is pumping.”
He leaned down so his lips were grazing the side of my ear. “If you plan on gettingpumpedlater… you best close that mouth of yours and let me handle this.”
I smiled when he pulled back. “I like how you tied that together.”
“You’re talking again.” He raised a brow, his eyes darker than usual. “I know a way to shut that pretty mouth of yours up.”
Damn. Normally I would throat-punch a guy for saying that to me, but the way River was saying it was hot as hell.
I pressed forward, wanting his mouth on mine because now he’d completely ruined my adrenaline rush, and I was horny as hell.
He nipped at my bottom lip. “Not yet, Queenie.”
“Can I help you?” the older man walking our way said. He had an edge for a man in his sixties with a beer belly. He sported a few tattoos on his forearms, and his T-shirt read:I’m just here for the pussy.Not at all what I was expecting, but I was ready to see River work his magic.
“Yes, you can,” River said, turning to face the man who was two or three inches shorter than him. “I have a friend who’s been trying to adopt a dog for, what is it, honey?” He turned to me, using that smart-ass tone of his. “Twenty-five years now, she’s been trying to get a dog?”
“Yes. You’re spot on, darling.” I raised a brow before glaring at Doug, the douchebag.
“Let me guess, Midge Longhorn sent you here.” He chuckled this maniacal laugh that you’d hear in a movie from the lead mean girl. He was a little old for this role, but I wouldn’t have expected Midge to have an ex-boyfriend who wasn’t a little unusual.
“You’d be correct. I’m River Pierce, Midge’s lawyer.”