"Answer my questions." The vampire spoke, and his voice was deep and dark.

"Why, no matter what I say, my end will be the same." Skye chose to talk, wanting to get this over with and feeling odd in the presence of this vampire. He wasn't afraid of them, man, even though he was scarier than any of the others. Skye knew somehow that he would not hurt him. He didn't know if this was valid or not, but it gave him a modicum of peace. "Just kill me and be done with it. I promise you I will not make it fun or interesting, so you might as well just do it."

“Tell me your name.” The vampire bent and grabbed Skye’s chin pinching it between his thumb and forefinger and tilted Skye’s face upward.

“Skye Winters.”

“Why did you come to Mt. Pleasant?”

"I'm going to the Upper Peninsula. I've been hitching rides with truckers, and the last one dropped me here. I've been working at the truck stop and waiting for a truck that is heading north."

“Where did you come from?”

“Scottsboro, Alabama.”

"What were you doing in Scottsboro?" That question opened the door to every secret Skye was holding, and he was not going to share everything. Besides, what did it matter since he was going to kill either way, if not by this vampire, then by another? His time was limited unless he found an escape.

“Tell me about Scottsboro.”

"No." That didn't seem to surprise the man as much as Skye had assumed. He took it in stride and continued his questions.

“Where did you live before Scottsboro?”


“Were you a part of the kindred that resided in Pittsburgh the kindred which Ezra Bently belonged?” His tone was deep but strangely calm.

"I was an apprentice to Adam, a warlock, and Ezra was an apprentice to Albert, a witch. We were of similar status within the kindred." A door swung open, and Ezra walked in, followed by a tall, terrifying man. The power that rolled off this man had Skye's stomach clenching and his heart seizing. This was bad.

To his utter surprise, the vampire who had been questioning him moved to stand beside him and placed his hand on Skye’s shoulder. The touch felt almost supportive, but he must be hallucinating because vampires like him would not feel the desire to support someone like him. Regardless, he enjoyed the touch in spite of himself.

"Skye Winters, we were nothing alike," Ezra shouted angrily. "You were despicable, just like your master." Skye forced himself to calm down in the face of Ezra's lies; nothing would be gained by fear.


Dante was startled by the Master and his beloved’s arrival in the chamber. He’d just started getting some answers, but Skye was shutting down again. Dante stood beside him and placed his hand on his shoulder. The gesture was to help steady and soothe him, but Dante could feel that he was already bracing and preparing himself for whatever was to come. Skye was impressive and unbelievably strong for a human. He would make a fine partner.

The most shocking revelation to come from their brief encounter was the fact that this man, Skye Winters, was Dante’s beloved. He had suspected as much based on the scents in the room and the feelings coursing through him, but it became quite clear once he removed the blindfold and released his binds. This man belonged to him. Fate was a curious and fickle mistress, and Dante was looking forward to what lay in store for him and his stubborn yet terribly troubled beloved.

Ezra erupted in a hate-filled tirade directed at Skye, who took it in silence and sat so still he didn't appear to even breathe. Dante noticed that the Master appeared less adversarial than when he first entered and was now observing Skye with a somewhat softer expression. He was seeing what Dante had seen upon entering which was that Skye possessed no magics he was simply human. He had some psychological tricks but utilized nothing that was supernatural.

"I watched you stand there with your Master and do nothing as others were tortured and abused," Ezra shouted with tears filling his eyes.

Skye looked over at Ezra, connecting with him, and a sense of finality washed over him. "I watched you stand there with your Master, and you did nothing as others were tortured and abused." He threw his accusations back at him, and Ezra was visibly taken aback.

“I was an apprentice; I had no power to interfere.” He cried.

“I was an apprentice with no power to interfere.” Skye again threw his words back at him. Skye was steadfast in his defense, remaining outwardly calm even as Dante could feel his heart pounding and his soul crying out.

“You were older and the apprentice of a master warlock. You had power of your own.” Ezra accused and pointed at him aggressively.

"You were the child of a master witch with magics of your own and the power to use them for your own protection. I had nothing for protection and no power of my own; I was but a slave." Skye was becoming more animated, but he caught himself and dropped his gaze to stare at the tile floor. He was afraid to upset Master DuCane, who stepped forward and took Ezra into his arms. Skye was very adept at reading a room.

Dante squeezed Skye’s shoulder helping him to settle and steady his nerves. He was glad when the Master took his beloved out of the room leaving him alone with Skye once again. “I never bothered Ezra; he has no reason to hate me or fear me.” The statement was offered up freely.

“I honestly don’t think that it is you that scares him but rather the memories that you both share. You remind him of the past.”

“There is nothing that I can do about that.” Skye stared at the door where Ezra and the Master had exited and added. “What is your name?”