“I get your reluctance to believe and your fear of being taken advantage of since our power dynamic is definitely in my favor, but you know this is unlike anything you've felt before. Lean into it, my love, and let's see where it takes us." He received an excited smile rather than a verbal response and was further rewarded with a kiss so hot that Dante felt his entire body melting.

Dante wrapped him in his arms and rolled so that he was now on top and took control, exploring that luscious mouth. His beloved tasted so fine and felt so perfect in his arms under him, and he responded so deliciously. "You are so beautiful, Skye. I can't get enough of holding you, seeing you, and tasting you." The words poured out tender and sweet words that Dante could not remember using before.

He was not a tender or sweet man in any sense of the words or stretch of the imagination. His life had been cold and calculated and career-centered, with no time for anything deeper than a quick fuck and an even quicker goodbye. What he was feeling today was intense and extreme, the greatest feeling he'd ever known.

He never had room in his life for someone because he never made room, but Skye was a natural, and his space had always been there, just waiting for him to come and fill it. The sentimentality that was overtaking him made him smile and cringe simultaneously.

The tenderness with which Master DuCane exhibited with his beloved Ezra now made perfect sense to him. It was a genuine, love, desire and acceptance that was only possible with your beloved and Dante was feeling it full force as he pressed himself against Skye and his body trembled with the want of this man.

“I was afraid of you at first and wondered if it was going to be you who killed me. I never thought that I would ever leave that cold white building alive, and I tried to make peace with that. But then you stepped closer, and your presence held more than darkness and duty. I felt you and your heart open to me in an unexpected way.” Skye was talking so low it was barely a whisper, but the words held power and importance.

Dante heard and felt every word as he continued to plant light kisses across Skye's jaw and down his neck to the tender flesh of his shoulder. "That was never my intent even before I met you or realized who you were to me; I never intended to do you any great bodily harm. I'm an interrogator, and I was confident in my ability to get the information that the Master required from you." Skye moaned sweetly and tightened his grip on Dante's arms.

"It's been so long, touch me please." he implored. Dante sat up, straddling Skye, and quickly removed his shirt and, in a few moves, removed his pants, tossing them both aside. Skye was dressed in a set of thin scrubs, and Dante was able, with Skye's assistance, to remove and discard them with little effort. Skye lay naked beneath him, and Dante had to take a moment to appreciate and take in the natural beauty of this man.

The scars were still there, but they seemed softer and were a part of Skye, which made them right and beautiful, just like the man himself. "I look like a monster," Skye said when he saw Dante looking at his scars.

“You are perfect, and every mark is precious to me it shows your strength and your devotion to life and your ability to persevere. For years they tried but they never managed to break you.” He bent and peppered kisses over the scars on his chest.

“You are here with me now because you never gave up. You are amazing.” Skye’s eyes were warm and searching and Dante needed to taste him again, so he took those plump, red lips in a kiss that was ravenous. He took all he wanted, going deep and mapping the moist, velvety softness within.

Skye kissed him back and his hands traveled every inch of Dante’s body that he could reach. His touch was both tentative and bold, pushing himself, like Dante, to take what he wanted. Skye kept capturing Dante’s eyes as he continued to touch and to kiss and pull him closer.

"I want to make love to you, Skye." Dante made his intent clear and lowered his body down on top of Skye, rubbing himself against his heated hardness. He wasn't normally a talker during sex, but with Skye, he found that he had so much to say and no reason not to say it all. "Your body calls to me and begs me to get closer, Skye. You feel so good."

“Are you going to claim me?” Skye asked and caught Dante’s gaze.

“Do you want me to claim you, are you ready for me, are you ready for us?” Dante countered for clarification.

"I'm ready, and I want it, if you do?" He started out firm and then faltered.

“There’s no turning back once I claim you then you are mine and I am yours forever. You will never be rid of me. I will never let you go and will follow you to the ends of the earth.” Dante wasn’t trying to talk him out of it, but he wanted him to know what he was asking for.

"I want you, Dante, and I want this. If you want me to, then I'm ready." The insecurities were disappearing, and Skye was making his wants very clear. Dante kissed him sensuously before responding.

“I want you more than life itself and I want to claim you and make you mine. But remember, no turning back and no second guessing." Dante smiled when Skye abruptly grabbed him and pulled him in for an aggressive kiss.

"I don't second guess, and I will never turn back," Skye stated, and Dante took him at his word, grabbing his legs and pushing them up toward his chest, opening him up for an initial exploration. Skye gasped, and that was followed by a low moan when Dante slathered his entrance with lube and began a vigorous thrust and stretch.

"Feel me, my love, grip my fingers and hold them like that, yes, just like that." Dante thrusted repeatedly, loosening his love and preparing him to accommodate Dante's size. He was not a small man, and he did not want to cause his beloved unnecessary pain. Some pain made the pleasure better, but he would take it easy their first time until he learned Skye's limits and likes.

He moved with him and matched Dante's thrust, making each plunge deeper and more forceful. "Harder, Dante, I want to feel you deeper." Skye liked it hard, fast, and deep, and that was exactly the way Dante liked to deliver. Fate did not make mistakes when she brought people together; they were always in sync and brought the best in each other.

He finished preparing Skye and then pushed his legs higher, spreading him further, and then thrust inside, burying his hard cock to the hilt and causing a trembling sharp inhale followed by harsh panting and more demand for harder and deeper. Skye was made for him. Skye's lovely cock was bouncing and slapping his abdomen with each thrust, and the sight was sexy as fuck.

"Stroke yourself, baby. Let me watch you pleasure yourself." He said, starting to hammer into Skye's tight body and flying on the endorphins, filling his heart and mind. He slammed deep inside, stretching Skye to his limit, feeling the pressure and the heat that encased him and barely held on the edge was near.

"I'm coming," Skye stated breathlessly as Dante slammed inside again and again, and then when Skye was about to lose it, he gripped the base of Skye's throbbing cock and staved off the impending release. Skye's painful moan was utterly delicious.

“Not yet, my love.”

"I need to come; I need it." He begged, and Dante thrust a few more times breathlessly, chasing his own release, and then pounded inside and began to stroke Skye's hardness in rhythm with his own thrusts, and the reaction was beautiful and so satisfying. The sight of Skye's pleasure-contorted features, as his climax hit him, was worth everything in this world.

Dante lost it when Skye came hard with stream after stream of his sweet release covering his abdomen. The scent was amazing, and Dante came surging in a powerful rush that clouded his vision and nearly stopped his heart. It was out of this world, and his vampire took over, instantly pulling Skye up into his arms and sinking his teeth into the tender flesh of his throat.

This was it he would no longer live isolated and alone. He had never bowed to anyone in his life apart from his Master and now he would bow to this vulnerable human, this man who made him smile and weep, his beloved. He drank deeply and felt the moment that their lives and their souls aligned and life, the very best part of life shifted in his favor.

He continued to thrust, providing his lover with further pleasure as he drank his fill. The taste was euphoric, and the effect was miraculous. He felt the power surge through him and the energy filling him. He finished and licked the wound until it was healed to a fine little scar. This was his scar, his mark, and Skye would wear it always, and everyone would know he belonged to the vampire.