Thenblinked in confusion.Theyhadn’t budged.
Hetried again.Nothing.
“Youasshole!”Sheyanked free of his hold. “Youwere going to trace me away?Oh, it’s on.”
Heconcentrated on teleporting across the dusty foyer.Failed.Hetried to turn into smoke.Onlya useless haze arose over his skin.Hewas a godsdamned smoke demon; he’d been able to fade into smoke since before his pup horns had first molted.
Asthe witch gazed on, he hastened to the front door.Couldn’topen it.Hekicked the wood and clawed at the frame, leaving not a scratch.Hestrode to the nearest window and launched his boot into the glass; got thrown backward. “Whatis this?”
“Theboundary spell works from the inside too.”Heramused tone rankled. “Itwon’t open until tomorrow morning.”
Disbelief. “We’retrapped.”Teleportingdemons didn’t dotrapped. “Whycan’tItrace within these walls or turn to smoke?”
“Dunno.Idon’t sense any problem with my pouches.Mustbe a species-specific power dampener.Maybethe castle’s owner hated smoke demons?”
“Along-dead wizard.Youreally did zero research?”
Hewaved that away, checking his cell phone. “Nobars?Thisis aWiccanLoreLine!”Despitehis distance from civilization, he should still get reception.Heshoved it back into his pocket. “Whatabout yours?”
“Didn’tbring one.EvenifIneed help, no one can breach the entry.”
“You’recool with that?”
“WhatcanIsay?Idig cheap thrills.”
Herwords distracted him.Ah, witch,Ican provide the cheapest, filthiest thrills you ever imagined. . . .
No!Headin the game,Rök.“Useone of your spells for a portal out of here.”Shealways had one handy for her work.
Scoffinglaugh. “I’mnot tapping out because my adversary has cold feet.”
“I’mnot your adversary.”Heran a hand over his nape. “Everythingabout this castle iswrong.Iknow your senses are like a rock’s, but you have to feel how off this place is.”
Shetapped her chin with a pink nail, so unlike his black claws. “Awizard’s bespelled fortress?Fromwhich the previous expedition failed to surface?Withsome ghouls for curb appeal?Nah, feels great.”
Heignored her sarcasm. “Theydidn’t surface?”
Hergrin was cheery. “Notone explorer.”
“Howmuch would it take for you to abandon this mission?”
Sheread his obvious unease and gave another laugh. “What’sthe matter?Neverhad a mission hiccup?”Sheturned to check the coat closet—empty—then investigated the statuettes along the perimeter of the foyer. “EvenifIwanted to open a portal, whichIdon’t, it would just transport me to another part of the castle.”
“Thenhow do we get out of here?”
Shemust’ve taken pity on him because she answered, “Accordingto legend, the door will reopen for a short interval when the moon sets.”
Thesetting of a full moon corresponded to sunrise.Hadhe ever been so ready for dawn? “Howshort of an interval?”
“Araven will call four times from a spruce by the pond.”
“Fourcalls.Ofa raven.”Rökhad heard of sketchier shit in theLore.Atthe same time, not much was random in the world of immortals.Randomusually meant he hadn’t discovered the pattern yet.Sowhy did this castle open under such precise circumstances? “Andif we miss the grand opening?”
“We’llbe stuck here until the nextHalloweenfull moon.”
Hisjaw slackened. “Thatonly happens every twenty years or so.”