Yetnot inRaven’sMurkCastle.
Shestruggled to stay focused on the incoming threat and to ignore her attraction to this demon.Whywas he so protective after all this time?Why’dhe have to talk about doting on kids with that devoted smile on his face?
Shakeit off,Poppy.RökKourssimply wasn’t an option for her.Shereminded herself of his reputation.Hegot off on the fact that paramours summoned him, like repeat customers who ranked him five stars.
Evenif he weren’t a player, he andPoppystill would have no future.Thoughshe’d once suspected she might beRök’sfated one, he had convinced her otherwise.MaleLoreanswent berserk if denied their mates.
Cadeonhad held a siege forHolly;Rökhadn’t even rungPoppy’sfreaking doorbell.
Somewhereout there, his female existed or would exist.Untilhe found that partner,Poppywould be a walk-on in the movie of his life.
Andthat was assuming he even wanted more than a one-night stand.Thatwas assuming they lived through this night?—
Apair of skeletons breached the dungeon’s doorway, their bony feet clattering on the stone landing.Theirmenacing skulls craned left to right to scan the area.
Strayquestion:Howcan they see?Orthink?
Strayanswer:Theyjust fucking can.
“That’smessed up.”Rökpassed his sword from one hand to the other.
“Youspooked yet?”
“Nothingin theLorespooks me—except things that come back to life when they should be at their rest.”
Thisunexpected admission only endeared him to her.Hewasn’t flawless; yet he was full of courage to face these creatures.
Theskeletons descended the steps, then another two followed.Thenthree more.Inthe past, her family’s house had crawled with illusions of them.
Theyteemed into the dungeon as if they’d been poured inside, amassing in front of the demon.Therattle of their bones and snapping of their teeth grew into an agitated din.Scythesscraped the brick walls, sending up sparks.
Sheyearned to fight, but she had only three battle-magic pouches left.Whatshe wouldn’t give for an innate power!
Rökbared his lengthened fangs at them, his face growing harsher with aggression, the planes more demonic. “Comeon,I’mwaiting for you!” he said, taunting them. “Cometo demon.”
Thegang of skeletons charged, their scythes raised.Rökdodged strikes with uncanny speed and cut through the first wave.Bonesflew.Femurs, clavicles, and skulls somersaulted through the air to clatter to the floor.
Butthey rolled back together to reassemble.
Hefended off another wave.Theyrushed; they fell; they reassembled.Sohe swung the flat edge of his sword even harder for the next blitz, grunting with effort.Hepulverized bones to dust, and the other skeletons held back.
Rökglanced over his shoulder. “See?Justhave to hit them hard enough.”Hewinked at her, not knowing that behind him the dust was reforming into bone. “Idon’t want to label myself a hero of old, but when the shoe fits?—”
“Uh, demon?”Shejerked her chin in that direction.
Hewhirled back around. “Huh.Newplan.”Hissword flashed out, crumbling another foe.Beforeit could reassemble,Rökbooted its bones toward an oubliette.Theforce sucked them down.Whoosh!
Hesheathed his sword as another pair charged.Barrelinginto them, he hoisted one over his shoulder and tossed it to the waiting trap.Dodginganother scythe, he grappled to take hold of his next opponent, chucking it in as well.
Bogeyafter bogey went hurtling toward the oubliettes.Onlyhalf a dozen remained.
Yetthen a scythe arced towardRök’sface; he blocked the staff with his forearm, just as another scythe caught the backs of his bootheels.Hefell backward—right across an oubliette.
“Rök, no!”Wouldhe tumble into nothing, lost forever?