“Doyou know how many timesI’vealmost collected the reward on your head?”
Rökhad a few bounties on him, and maybe some orders to “terminate with extreme prejudice.”Peoplethought two dimensions had issued them.Nonsense.Fifteen.Hehad a way of making dimensional warlords very unhappy—just because females preferredRök. “Fora bag of coin, you would turn me in to be executed?”
“Notat all,” she said grandly. “Morefor bragging rights.”
Sogodsdamned sideways. “Doesn’tmatter.I’vedecidedI’mgoing to protect you tonight.”
“Whatjob would you ditch without a care?”
Hewasn’t ready to explain everything, but he would never lie to her, so he fell back on one of his strengths: flirtation. “Thatbattle back there, beauty?Wasourforeplay.Screwany jobImight have had.I’monly interested in picking up where we left off two years ago.”Ifthey could get away from this place, he could up his game and seduce her at last.Thelay that got away?Notfor much longer. “Thewizard must’ve left behind a mystical power source.Let’sfind this castle’s battery, shut it down, and teleport out of here early.”
Shecrossed her arms over her chest.Themovement made her jacket lapels gape and pulled herV-neck tight over her breasts.
Don’tstare, don’t stare. . . .Buthad he ever seen such mouthwatering breasts?Headin the game,Rök.Withdanger about, he didn’t need to be fantasizing about this witch’s pert?—
“EvenifIwanted to leave with you, whichIdon’t,I’mnot going anywhere till my job is complete.”
Heyanked his head up in disbelief. “We’restarring in our very own horror movie!Andhow do characters get into trouble?Whenthey won’t leave the scene.”
Hergreen eyes glinted with determination. “Someof us are professionals who don’t spook lightly.”
“I’ma demon of many years.I’mnot the one in jeopardy here.”Immortalsgrew stronger with age.
Sheraised her chin a notch—her way of unwillingly conceding a point.Yetshe didn’t budge. “Youhad your chance with me.Moveon.Idid.”
Aftershe’d stood him up on what should have been their second date, he’d gone toRothkalinato bury himself in work.Bythe time he returned to this plane, she’d taken up with a warlock, some asshole namedIxiustheBringer.Ah, but the two of them had broken up a couple of weeks ago. “WhywouldImove on?Ilike a challenge.You’rejust waving a red cape in front of a bull.”
Hercoral-shaded lips parted as if he’d said something outrageous. “That’sthe thing about bulls.They’renot very discerning.”Sheturned from him and started down another hallway.
Sconcescast a gloomy light over the threadbare carpet and paneled walls as he caught up with her.
Whenshe glared, he said, “Takethe assist.Youneeded it back there.”
Pricklingwith irritation, she strode on, her gaze keen for bogeys.
Hefigured her visitors would be the biggest danger, so he’d monitor her eyes.Whenhe and the witch passed a section of floral wallpaper, he said, “Nicedecor.Theatmosphere reminds me of theOverlookHotel, only with a touch moreREDRUM.”
Hecould joke now—he was high on her and chuffed to have protected her—but earlier today?He’dbeen between jobs, his emotions roiling as usual; trace/pacing and horn abuse all around.
Shebarely spared him a glance. “Soyou like horror movies.”
“Whichyou well remember.Alove of the genre is just one of the many things we have in common.”Hefrowned. “Youdo remember, right?”
“I’msurprised you do.Howdo you keep all your females straight?”
Don’t.Ignoringher question, he said, “CadeandImade a pastime of drinking brew and binge-watching horror movies to see how much the humans got right about theLore.Atleast, we used to, before hisValkyriemate came along.”
Luredinto conversation,Poppysaid, “IknowHollywell.”
“Ifigured.”WitchesandValkyrieswere thick as thieves.Rökhad suspected anything he toldCademight be passed on toHollyand from her toPoppy, so he’d kept his own counsel with his best friend.
“Italk to her often.”Poppy’sgaze flitted toRök’shorns.HadHollytold her how demons loved to have them stroked?
Rök’smouth went dry whenPoppyfisted her satchel’s strap in both hands.Theidea of her silken palms handling him like that . . .
Shecleared her throat. “HollyandCadeonare a good couple.Unexpected, but good.”
Rökdragged his gaze from her hands. “They’rehappy together.Weren’treally before.Arenow.”Hetook inPoppy’sstunning profile as he said, “Oneplus one equals two, huh?”