“Yeta spymaster like you didn’t research?”Sheshook her head, and a long curl escaped her bun, the color stark against her leather jacket.
“Didn’tget a chance to.”Hisformer merc partner,CadeontheKingmaker, would razzRökabout the amount of research he usually did.Tonight’spreparation?Severaldemon brews and a blind leap into the unknown. “Youcould say this was a last-minute opportunity.Iheard something tasty was here and wanted to jump all over it.”
Lookingtitillated, she said, “Spill.”
“Assoon as you do,” he countered, wondering how to explain his actions.Well,Iwas atErol’sbar, roiling inside, contemplating how selfish a prickImight be?—
Skitteringsounded from the floors above, drawing his attention. “What’sthe intel on the castle’s bogeys?Couldbe kobolds up there.”Thosegnome monsters worked in packs to take down unsuspectingLoreans.
“I’msure it’s just rats.”
Hishorns all but twitched.She’slying.Overthe years, he’d discovered that she was a piss-poor dissembler.Butwhy lie?Hesensed impending danger.
Good.Hewelcomed it, felt more firmly in his comfort zone.Yetshe looked uneasy. “Neverhad a mission hiccup,Red?”
Straighteningher shoulders, she plowed on. “Youshould go your way, andI’llgo mine.”
Why’dshe find it so bloody easy tonotbe around him?Femalesthe worlds over clamored for his attention—he could get summoned ten times a night—but notPoppyDyer. “Wemight as well work together.Ifwe teamed up,Icould take the clout and give you the prize.”
“HowaboutItake the clout and the prize and giveyoua swift kick to the balls?”
Herattitude made his head buzz like a potent aphrodisiac. “I’vemissed your humor, witch.”
They’djust reached the stairs when the skittering intensified, like a rave club full of kobolds.Sheswerved from the steps and headed toward another hallway.
Hefollowed. “You’renot curious what’s up there?”
Sheshook her head, her bun loosening more.
Whathe wouldn’t give to release that silky mane and thread his fingers through it. “Whereare you going?”
“Ithink the basement is this way.Iplan to explore this castle from bottom to top.”He’djust parted his lips to make a quip when she pointed at him over her shoulder and said, “Don’t.”
Theskittering suddenly sounded as if it was coming from the floorbelowthem.
“Onsecond thought . . .”Shebacktracked to another hallway. “I’llstart my investigation here.”
“You’reavoiding trouble!You’venever been timid before.”Thewitch was often the first into the fray. “Maybeyour bag of tricks isn’t as full as it should be.”Onpast gigs, she’d come equipped with that satchel full of pouches.Hadshe gone off half-cocked tonight?
“Asusual,I’mcompletely prepared.”Shepatted her bag with her customary confidence.Still, he sensed she was lying. “I’mjust following my gut.Feelfree to get lost.I’llmeet you at the front entrance in”—she checked her sports watch—“eight hours.I’llbe the one holding the prize.”Withthat, she headed through a pair of double doors.
Getlost,she’d said.Godsbelow, he’d tried.
Hepictured his secluded cabin inIceland.Howmany nights had he traced/paced in front of the fire?Enoughto wear two holes into the floor!Moreholes dotted the wooden walls from when he’d rammed his aching horns with frustration.
Alwayson his mind was the question:AmIa decent male?
He’dbooked treacherous jobs, but there were only so many.ThoughCadeand his mateHollywelcomed him to their home,Rökdidn’t want to intrude too much.Eventuallyhis inner turmoil would drive him toErol’s, yet even in a crowd ofLoreans,Rökfelt isolated.
Witha muttered curse, he followedPoppythrough the doors into an expansive kitchen sparsely lit with more gas lamps.Acrew of cooks must’ve once prepared meals here for scores ofLoreans.
Poppy’scovetous gaze swept the area, as if she could see past the cobwebs dangling from pot racks and the chalky rat droppings on the countertops.
“I’llnever understand the inner workings of theWiccanmind.You’relooking at this kitchen as though you’re ready to move in.”
Shrug. “Ilike them big.”He’djust opened his mouth for a joke when she warned,“Don’t.”
Herefrained from knocking her softball pitch into the innuendo bleachers. “Fairenough.Whydo you like big kitchens?”