
Hislips curled. “AndNewt.Thehumping cat.”

Grinning, she turned to the nearest window.Inone direction, a snow-draped mountain loomed; in the other, an active lava flow meandered by like a river!Shegave a laugh. “Let’snot be too hasty.Thisplace is amazing.”

Hejoined her. “Witchesgather on that snowy peak each year in pilgrimage.Betweenthat and the smoke,Iwas sold.”

“Fireand ice, huh?Kindof like your fighting style.”

Heinclined his head, but she could tell he was pleased. “Yourown fighting style defies description.Itwas like you commandeered an army.Didyou turn the curse back on itself?”

“Therewas never a curse.”Sheexplained how her conduit worked. “Mariketawas right; the answer was in that magic-laden castle.”Poppyhad just needed several helpings of incentive, seasoned with danger, and fired with a demon. “Thisability is so unique and so under my control thatIthink . . .Rök,IthinkI’maqueen.”Amystical practitioner better at a particular skill than anyone else in theLore.

“Thewitch queen ofHalloween,” he said, beaming with pride.

Therightness of that title warmed her. “That’sme.”Whynightmares?she’d wondered.Butthen, how could some witches control storms?Oranimals?

“JustwhenIthought you couldn’t be any sexier.”Hecupped her face to kiss her.

“Wait.”Sheheld up a forefinger. “Ineed to let my sisters knowI’mokay.”

“Usemy computer.”Hetraced over to log her in. “I’lltextDeshand make sure he remembersnotto return for you.”

“Goodidea.”Sheremoved her bag and emailed a quick note:Youbitches won’t believe what happened!Drinkson me!Oh, andLea, we’re gonna throw hands.AsPoppyhit send, she recalled something from the chaotic moments before. “Rök, did you happen to notice anything strange when we were kissing?”

Hesent the text, then pocketed his phone. “You’llhave to be more specific.WhenIwas about to take your lips,I’mpretty sure pumpkin-head gave me a thumbs-up with his stalk hand.”

Goodpoint. “Outof the corner of my eye,IthoughtIsaw . . .”Shefrowned, then shrugged off her concerns. “Probablya visitorIdidn’t have a handle on, one bringing up the rear for protection.”

“Istill can’t believe a young witch like you took out a primordial.Thatvictory will give a lot ofLoreanshope.It’llcertainly worry theMøriør.”Theiralliance contained several primordials from various species.

“It’sabout time something did.”Whata difference a night could make!Shekicked back in his chair, steepling her fingers. “Sothis place is half mine?”

“Everythingof mine is, including my merc crew.I’mstill hoping you’ll be the co-leader.”

Sherose and sauntered over to him, holding his gaze. “Uh-huh.Andwhat about all those pesky summonings?”

“Soonto be things of the past.”He’djust said those words when the edges of his body started to blur. “No.No, no, no!”Thoughhe clearly fought it, he was disappearing. “Poppy, it’s . . . happening.”

Fatigueand disappointment crashed over her. “Yougotta be kidding me.It’slike a horror trope.”

“Onelast scare, huh?”Helooked gutted, his eyes gray with frustration.

Hisreaction reminded her of everything they’d overcome to get to this point—every foe they’d battled, every mystery solved, every ability realized.Aqueen like her would never shrink from a challenge.

Shegrasped his nape. “Withthe pact you andImade tonight,Isummon you back.”Herfirst demonic summoning!Wouldit work? “Staywith me,Rök.Heedme.”

Abreathless second passed. . . .

Bydegrees, his form solidified.Thestrain left his muscles, and he released a relieved exhalation. “Goodsave,Red.”Browsdrawn, he rasped, “Just. . . don’t ever let me go.”

“Iwon’t.”Shegazed up at him, her mate for life. “I’llsummon you back forever—the swimbo of them all—till everyone in theLoregets the message.”

Heleaned into her, as if he couldn’t get close enough. “Whatmessage?”

“Thatyou’re mine.”

Nodding, he said simply,“You.”