TheHorsemanand more aliens targeted the primordial, taking it to the ground.Theslasher, the killer clown, and a gang of others joined in.
CAWWWW!cried the raven for the third time.
ShouldRöktracePoppyaway?Heturned to her. “Areyou going to kill the primordial?”Whatwould the ramifications be?
Bloodlustin her eyes, she smiled. “Yes.Yes,IthinkIwill.”
Witha flick of her hand, her minions redoubled their frenzied attack.Asthey mauled the primordial, screams rent the night. “Listento them.”ShefacedRök, gaze shimmering. “Whatmusic they make.”
Hisgrin was part humor, part grim fascination.Therehe andPoppystood at the threshold ofRaven’sMurk, staring at each other as more visitors sprang to life all around them and filed from the castle. “Howmany are under your control?”
“Asmany as there are nightmares.”
Thenher power was colossal. “Yousaved me, love.”Rökhad accepted his unspeakable fate.Now. . . his future withPoppyawaited once more.
“Justlike you saved me all night.We’llalways save each other.”Shestood on her toes, brimming with magic. “Kissme.”
Hisgaze slid to the doll still perched on her shoulder.
Poppytold it, “Takecare of our pawns.”WhenAnneliseturned her head 180 degrees to focus on the action,Poppyteased him, “Ismy creepy still cute?”
Noddinghelplessly, he claimed her lips as monsters battled monsters and an ancient primordial fought to the death.
Röktasted her power, as arousing as her fierce attitude.Despitethe nightmares surrounding them, he got lost in that kiss.
Takingher mouth . . . promising himself . . . forever . . .
Dimly, he heard an echoing roar.Whenshe drew back, he blinked to attention. “Poppy?”
“Ican sense the scene through the visitors.”Theprimordial’s roar abruptly ended. “It’sdone.”
“Theother ghouls?”
“Afew fled.Themother and kids were the first out.Shouldwe pursue them?”Poppyasked, though her ability must be taking a toll.Shewas young, and she’d just eliminated the strongest ghoul in all the worlds!
Rökwrapped his arms around her. “Anotherday.”
CAWWWW!cried the raven for the fourth and final time.
Thecastle door slammed shut.
ThenRöktraced his mate away fromRaven’sMurk, never to return.
* * *
Poppyglanced around a rustic cabin filled with technology—monitors, computers, and communications gear. “Whereare we?Thisplace looks like a spy expert’s command center.”Sunlightflooded in through the cabin’s windows.Rökmust’ve taken her far from the castle.
Hereleased her. “You’rein my secret lair, tucked in the wilds ofIceland.”
ShewavedAnneliseaway, and the doll vanished.Poppy’snew ability would take some getting used to, but after tonight . . . she was a devout fan of the franchise. “Iceland?Ithought demons liked warm weather.”Shedidn’t remark on the horn-sized gouges marring the walls and the pair of larger holes worn into the floor.Herpoor anguished demon!
“Thoughmost of us hanker for hellplanes, some of us see the appeal of snow.Aslong as there’s fire.”Hecrossed to a great hearth and tossed logs in.Inmoments, flames crackled, and he stood. “Ibought this place with you in mind.ButthenIrealized you would want to be close to your family.”