“Alienstoo,”Röksaid. “Lookslike we’re heading into the maze.”
“Halloweenlabyrinths never work out well for the maze-goer.”
“Opento ideas.”
“Okay, we’ll go.Butnot one scratch.Remember,Idon’t have any pouches left to help us.”
“Gotit.”Gravelcrunched beneath their boots as they started in.Overgrownlimbs seemed to stretch toward them, thorny fingers grasping.Hehacked at them with his sword.
Asthey hastened down the prickly corridor, creaking metal sounded from behind them.Röksaid, “Justheard something not so good.”
“Hauntedsuits of armor.Watchfor maces.I’mfeeling some ghosts too.”
Floatingapparitions shook the limbs and moaned,“Whooowhooo . . .”
“Whenyou said a tsunami of shit, you meant it.”
Yes.Becausenightmares were infinite.
SheandRökhad just turned the first corner when a pair of maces burst through the hedge from different directions, both heading for her face.
Heblocked one with his sword and caught the other in his fist, gritting his teeth against the spikes.Ashe tossed those weapons away, more maces swung toward them. “Keepmoving!”HeandPoppysprinted forward.
Dodgingstrikes, they turned left.Theycurved right.Duckingand sliding.
Wheneverthey came to a fork, maces would spur them in a particular direction.Betweenbreaths, she said, “They’resteering us.”
“Gettingthat feeling.”
Highabove them, an apparition shook the limbs, sending thorns flying.RökyankedPoppyto his chest just in time to shield her.
Oncethe downpour ended, she said, “Tellme you didn’t get barbed.”
“Idon’t think so.”Hetugged her along, and they rounded another corner. “Isee the exit!”Thecorridor ended about two hundred feet away.Beyondthe maze, a pair of double doors marked another castle entry point. “We’reclose.”YetthenRökstumbled.
It’dbeen cute when he’d stripped.Notso much now. “Youtripped over your feet running from bogeys.”
“Likea blonde in the woods.”
“I’llnever let you live this down.”
“Yeah. . .Iknow.”Washe slurring?
Poppydropped back to scan the demon. “Oh,Hecate!”Thornsdotted his back.
Heslowed. “What?”
“Youdon’t feel anything?”Thetoxin was already working. “We’vegot to get these out.”
Heturned to her.Hispupils were enlarged, his skin clammy.
“Ineed your sword.”Whenhe handed it over, she used the edge to scrape the briars free.