“Andtwo more.”

“Yeah, twin girls.”They’dhad them not long ago.Cade, the ruthless mercenary, had turned into a devoted mate and father.Loveand laughter filled his andHolly’shome with the toddlers. “Thoseare the cutest halflings you ever saw.”Rökcouldn’t stop a grin. “Theychase me everywhere, tracing after me.UncleRökis putty.Ispend way too much time shopping forDuplosand dinosaurs.”

Sheraised an auburn brow. “Thebig, bad merc has a soft spot for kids?”

“Didn’tfigure me for it either.”ButwhenBriannaandAlysonhad first babbled happily to see him . . . ?


“Ithought you would retire whenCadeondid,”Poppysaid. “Youmust miss his guidance on jobs.”

Rök’sfond smile faded. “Guidance?Iwas the strategist for our team.”Afteryears of rivalry, he andCadehad joined forces.Theirtalents had been complementary.Röklived for spy intrigues and intel;Cadelived to indiscriminately hack at foes with his sword.

NotthatRökdidn’t enjoy the feel of a blade slicing open a challenger, but the nimble gathering of intel . . . that was on a different level.

“Strategist, huh?”Shetapped her chin. “Youknow, that explains a lot.”

“Wewere the most successful crew in theLore!”

“Ifyou exclude the witches,Isuppose.”

“Youheard about ourViperTerraceOffensive, right?”

Shecast him a bored glance. “Mediocre.”



“TheCentaurInfiltration?Sneakinginto the royal stable took more than a fake tail?—”

“Youwere with a crew of demons each time,” she pointed out. “Evenagainst a giant, it’s like punching down.”

“Igathered intelligence againstOmorttheDeathless.”Theevil sorcerer who’d seized control ofRothkalina. “Andour crew was there the night death finally caught up to that fucker.”They’ddefeatedOmort’sfire demon allies.

“Yetyou didn’t strike the blow.”

Shadeusually had no effect onRök, but hers did.Heexcelled at his job and found it urgent for her to know that.He’dhave to show her. “Workingwith others is the smartest play.Maybeyou andIshould team up more often.”Acouple of times in the past, he’d lent his fighting weight to help her out.Hesuspected she’d grudgingly aided him with a bit of magic too on occasion.

Ormaybe that was just wishful thinking.

“Iwould never partner with someone who gets summoned so often.”

Heparted his lips to reply, but her criticism was fair.Cadehad complained of the same.Thoughdemon breeds could be summoned in various ways, smoke demons formed pacts with sex partners.Tobreak the pact,Rökwould have to publicly forsake the female, a cruel prospect.Hefigured they’d stop summoning him once he’d claimed his mate.

Atthe end of the hallway was a wooden door.Theworn boards and rusted hinges screamedbasement.Poppyheaded right for it.

“Soyou’re the character who traipses into the castle’s dark basement?”Inan ominous tone, he breathed,“Don’tgo in there.”

Shekind of grinned, reminding him of how he’d made her laugh on their date.

Thenshe seemed to harden herself against him. “I’mthe witch who said she’d comb this place and is able to hold her own.Ifsomething lurks down there, maybe it should fear me.MaybeIam the scariest thing in this castle.”

Surething.Heapplauded her confidence, but a more realistic view of her abilities would only help her.Withouther usual stash of pouches, she’d be fighting with one hand tied behind her back.

PoppyDyerhadn’t achieved her full potential.Wouldshe ever if he got his way?

Sheopened the door with a creaking groan so perfect someone should record it for a horror soundtrack.Afew flickering wall sconces illuminated a steep stairway.