Bitterlaugh. “Coursethey will.”
Thelight across her palms sputtered.Fuelingher spellsandthe visitors always depleted her magic, which must be the point of the curse.
Rökmet her gaze with his brows drawn. “Youreyes are back to normal for now.”
Didshe detect worry in his troubled expression?Notfor himself butfor her?Asthey stared at each other, emotions best left buried crept to the surface.Sherubbed her neck, feeling as if she was on the precipice of something more perilous than even the visitors. . . .
Rökturned from her, ending the charged moment.Heswiped his sword on a dusty dish towel and sheathed it.SincePoppywas the source of these killers, his safest bet would be to leave her behind and get on with his job.
Trueto form, he left her without a word.Therehe goes, out of here at the first sign of trouble.
Shestared at the doors closing behind him.She’dwanted away from him, hadn’t she?Forcedproximity for an entire night would’ve been unbearable.
Sowhy this dejection?Shewas on a mission, not another ill-fated date.Whata farce that had been, stranded by him at the most expensive restaurant in theLore.
* * *
Twoyears ago
“EllenRipleyin the furnace,”PoppytoldRökas they enjoyed scrumptious wine imported fromSylvan, oysters fromSargasoe, and a debate about the best character sacrifices in horror flicks.
Inother words, the perfect date.
“Ripley?Agreeto disagree,Red.”Hegrinned over his wineglass, emanating sex appeal.Helooked so decadent in his bespoke suit that he should come with a health warning. “Ithink the best sacrifices arise when there’s still a bit of hope that the character can be saved.Oncethe alien implanted inRipley, all hope was lost.Shejust took that plot development to its logical conclusion in the coolest way.”
Heknew hisAlienlore!Asthe proud co-owner of a black cat namedNewt,Poppywas impressed.HighfromRök’sundivided attention, she leaned forward in her chair, chin propped on her hand, hearts in her eyes.Fellowdiners kept staring at them, must sense the chemistry sparking betweenRökand her.
Forthe umpteenth time tonight, she mused,WhatifIam his mate?Hemight not even realize it.Orwas he feeling the same connection?
They’dshared similar interests, swapping merc tips and movie trivia.He’dlaughed at her jokes and genuinely seemed to like her.Andthe attraction . . .Well, they hadn’t even made it to the front steps of the restaurant before they’d assailed each other.Aselfie in the parking lot had turned into the best kiss of her life—and it’d only whetted her appetite for more of him.
Whenshe was getting ready for the night earlier, her sisters had gathered in her room, warning her against going out with one of theLore’smost notorious players.Leahad said, “Youtold us you wanted to settle down, right?Youknow you’re destined for a warlock.Ademon can’t protect you from magic, but a warlock could.AfellowWiccancould even help you defeat your curse.”
Thiswas . . . a good point.Theirparents were an example of how witches and warlocks could amplify each other’s abilities.InanyWiccancalculation, more magic was always better than less magic. “It’sjust a casual date,”Poppyhad assured everyone.
Afterthe four sisters had taken bets that one ofRök’slovers would hail him before the dinner concluded,Sagehad summed up their thoughts: “Demonsare like bulls: horned and raring to chase any old red cape.”
Ha!Howwrong they’d been.I’mnot any old red cape.
Andthis was not just a casual date;somethingwas happening here.
Keepingup with the conversation,Poppypointed out, “BishopII’soffer to remove the alien fromRipleycould have been real.ThoughIdon’t think her character would ever accept that the alien inside her might live.”
“Exactly.”Thegleam inRök’seyes made her feel praised. “Justlike the priest who dove out of the window inTheExorcist.Hecouldn’t live with the idea that the demon might survive, which, by the way, stung a little.”
Shechuckled at his aggrieved look. “So, what’s your best character sacrifice?”
Hethought for a moment. “Thedad inAQuietPlace.Hischances before his death were better than nil, but he would do anything to save his beloved children.”
“Youwould’ve yelled and drawn the monster away from them?”
Rökheld her gaze. “Whenyou love something, you protect it.”
Sheswallowed, so caught up in this demon she could drown in him.
Cautionwarned,Justdip a toe.