“Where could it be?” I asked, beginning to move paintings to the center of the room so we could make sure we examined each one.

“I don’t think it would be out in the open.” Caleb made a circle around the room, looking at not just the paintings on the floor but the walls themselves. He ran a finger across the dust- and dirt-covered wood panels. I continued to look through the paintings on the floor. One of them had to be the Moriarty piece.


Caleb was stopped at the far end of the room. He had his hand pressed against the wall. I saw a few blue strands of mana appear in the air, shimmering through the space. He must have been channeling. The training with Claire was clearly paying off because he didn’t show any strain.

“Hold on,” he said. “I feel like there’s something here. Claire taught me a disillusionment spell I can try.”

He held out a hand, thick strands of mana weaving around it, floating up his forearm. All different shades. I watched a sapphire blue thread rise and expand over the wall, two thinner strands of navy mane weaving into it.

My chest filled with pride. Caleb didn’t even break a sweat.

I dropped the painting I was holding and went over to the wall, my heart beating like a drum in my chest. The blue field of mana flickered and solidified before the entire wall disappeared, revealing what was behind it.

A gilded frame surrounded a painting of scarlet-red swirls, just like the one that had been in my horde room. Except this one had the proper Moriarty signature in the corner.

That’s it. We had done it.

“You fucking did it,” I said, unable to contain my excitement. We kissed so damn hard we nearly almost toppled over, laughing as we separated. Caleb delicately took the painting out of its hiding place and examined it, smiling as he looked at me. “This is it. It’s the final painting.”

“We fucking found it. Holy shit.”

“We still have to destroy them, but at least we have a chance now.”

“You’re right,” I said, unable to take my eyes off the painting. “We also have the element of surprise. Amelia did say something odd to me when we met. She mentioned that watching the end of the world from a glass theatre was fitting.”

Caleb arched a brow. “That just proves our initial thought. They have the paintings in the Glass Atrium.”

“Exactly,” I said.

“Good, then we know what we’re doing first thing tomorrow morning.” Caleb flashed a cocky grin.

“Perfect.” I pulled him close to him, feeling him melt against my body as he rested his head on my chest. “But first, let’s have a night that we won’t ever forget. I have so much to make up for.”

“You do,” Caleb cheekily answered.

With the painting in our possession, I flew us back home. The ocean was a blanket of dark blue to our left, the Spanish-inspired homes and colorful businesses of Malibu splaying out on our right. Caleb’s weight on my shoulders was comforting. His legs around my neck and his hands around my spikes made this one of the most relaxing flights I’d had in a while. I filled my lungs with the fresh air, where it remained mostly untouched by the exhaust and fumes from the city down below but still tinged with salt from the ocean.

Ahead of us rose the castle, its gray-stoned shell a silhouette against the mountains that rose behind it. It was looking to be a particularly dry summer, so the trees and grass leading up to the castle were all beginning to die out. The side of the hill was painted with one last slash of dying sunlight, the shadows shifting as we drew closer and closer.

I landed on one of the turrets. Caleb hopped off, and I shifted back into my human form, his hair thrown around by the wind, a gleeful smile on his face.

Chapter 29



We had the painting.

We fucking had the painting.

And on top of that, I had my dragon back.

I was on cloud nine the entire flight back to the castle. My cheeks hurt from how wide I smiled, the sting of the wind not bothering me at all. I could see the entrance to the castle blown wide open from last night’s break-in.

Maddox brought us onto the turret, where he gently placed the painting. He hovered in the air so I could hop off before he shifted and landed gracefully next to me.

“I can never get tired of flying with you,” I said, grabbing the painting.

“Good. Because I never intend for it to stop.” Maddox tugged me against him. “You can ride me anytime you like.”

The gentle wind whipped through the air. It carried with it Maddox’s cologne—spicy with a hint of oak. It was a manly scent, and it immediately made my mouth start to water.