The phone rang and rang and rang. He didn’t answer. I tried again.

Still nothing. It would just ring until it hit voicemail. So he wasn’t denying my calls, at least, but why wasn’t he answering?

I tried one last time, no answer.

Fine. I’d go to the attic myself and check things out. I’d give Maddox another call on my way, sending him a text for now. I told him where I’d be and why. Hoping he would read it, I shut my laptop and hurried to put my shoes on. I grabbed my keys off the dresser when all of a sudden the entire apartment building shook.

I braced myself against the dresser and immediately thought one thing: earthquake.

Shit. I ran over to Lily, who had jumped off the bed and started barking at the closed bedroom door. There weren’t any more shakes or tremors, but that might have been the pre-shock before the main event. I opened my bedroom door just as Jared was flying out of his, wearing his plaid boxer-briefs and shouting, “Get under the table!”

That’s when a knock on the door drew both of our attention.

I went to open it, shocked when Maddox was the one standing there, an apologetic expression on his face.

“Caleb, can we talk?”

Chapter 28

Back to the Beginning


Caleb answered the door, looking scared out of his mind. I wanted to drop to my knees and grovel for his forgiveness. Instead, I asked if we could talk. He blinked through his surprise and nodded, stepping aside and letting me into his apartment.

“Did you just land on our roof?” Caleb asked.

“I did. Flying was faster than driving.”

“Right,” Caleb said. Lily came running out of his bedroom then, bouncing up on my thigh with her two front paws, tongue trying to steal some kisses. I crouched down and gave her a proper hello. His roommate had a hand over his mouth.

“I’m Maddox,” I said, offering him a hand to shake.

“I’m dragon. I mean, you’re a dragon. I’m Jared. Holy shit.”

“And you’re also half-naked, Jared.” Caleb had his arms crossed, cheeks flushed pink. His golden-brown beard was trimmed down, his hair tousled, curling at the front, as if he had recently taken a shower. Fuck, I missed having him in my bed these last few days. Missed his funny jokes and tiny observations and the way he’d cuddle against me right before falling asleep.

“Oh, eh, right, sorry. Great meeting you.”

“You too,” I said as Jared slowly walked backward into his room. He shut the door, and I could hear him exhale with a “holy shit” from behind the door.

Caleb spoke at the same time I did, our words matching.

“I’m so sorry.”

Caleb chuckled. I shook my head, shocked. “Sorry?” I asked. “For what? You did nothing wrong.”

His eyebrows jerked halfway up his forehead. “So you believe me, then? You know I didn’t steal the painting?”

Not even a deep breath could keep my hands from balling up at my side. I swallowed down a solid lump of emotions. “I don’t think I ever did. I was just surprised by your past, and I overreacted. If that call never happened, I don’t think I would have pushed you away how I did. For that, I’m so fucking sorry.”

“I wish you had believed me.”

“I did. Deep down, I did believe you. I was just thrown by the break-in. I couldn’t think. Couldn’t make sense of anything. All I knew was that I hated being without you. I hated not being able to hold your hand, to text you a stupid joke, to hold you while you fall asleep and hold you when you wake up. I hated it.”

Caleb blinked through tears. “I did too.”

“I’m just a dumb ice dragon who makes frequent mistakes but promises he can make up for them.” I moved toward him. He didn’t step back, just stood there, his smile growing. “Please, allow me to make this up to you.”

“You’re going to need to do a lot of groveling,” Caleb said, his tone playful.

“You know I like to get on my knees.”

“Good,” Caleb said, and before I knew it, our lips crashed together. I’d wanted to kiss him from the moment I showed up at his apartment. His tongue dancing with mine opened up the floodgates. Even though we were still kissing, I felt myself overcome with emotion. Mainly gratitude for Caleb, but also guilt for ever putting him through this shit in the first place.

His hands found mine, and the sky burst open, sunshine pouring down on us, birds singing and woodland creatures dancing. This felt right. This was how we should be, at all times. Connected. “I should have told you about my involvement with the Crimson Ring sooner. It’s not all on you.”

“It is, though. I jumped to conclusions, and that hurt you.”

“So… who was it?” Caleb asked.