It was kind of hot, knowing I was going home with one of the most wanted men here.

Plus, the potential of getting some free drinks was high, and that was nice.

The VIP section to the right was bathed in a glow of exclusivity, roped off around a fireplace that was on but produced no heat. A bottle boy came out of the crowd in a tiny white Speedo, holding a bucket of sparkling champagne over his head. The VIP group cheered as he crossed over the rope and dropped off the bucket while shaking his ass in the process.

I wasn’t always huge into going out to clubs, but every once in a while, it was fun to escape with some good music and better company, and that’s exactly what I planned on doing tonight. Life had been far, far too fucking stressful lately. It was time for me to get a little messy. I think I earned it.

“Rum and Coke, right?” Maddox asked, leaning onto the bar and ordering me a drink. Warrick started to hip-bump me to the beat of the pop song blasting through the speakers.

“Grab your drink, and let’s all head to the dance floor, bitches! I think I see Starlight.”

The Abbey had a few rooms, but it was the main dance floor where most of the magic happened.

Well, I guess the bathroom stalls were also top contenders for that title.

The go-go dancers, with their carefree swings from the rafters, caught my attention. There was a man who had more muscles than I knew existed, his abs rippling as he humped into his hands, wearing nothing but bright pink briefs and white high-top Chucks. Xavier was glued to him, offering dollars as we walked past. “We lost him,” Dawn said as she led the charge, pushing into the throng of people on the dance floor. Warrick called us over to Starlight’s VIP section, a booth right next to another muscular go-go dancer. He was a little leaner and doing much more impressive stunts with his dancing, like hanging upside down using only one leg while humping the air in the most fluid motion imaginable.

Then he flashed his fangs, and it all made sense.

“You dragon dolls made it!” Starlight stood up from her seat, looking like a shooting star, wearing a glittering golden dress that hugged her padded curves like a second skin, with shoulders that jutted out and dangled with pearls. Her neck was covered in diamonds, matching the ones that hung from her ears and sparkled even from beneath her long and silky brunette hair.

“We wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Robby said as the group exchanged hugs and was introduced to Starlight’s friends, most of them other drag queens and kings. It was a diverse group that was easy to fit into. Everyone was friendly, with none of the initial awkwardness that usually came with meetings like these. Fifteen minutes in, and I already had two shots of vodka and was quickly becoming best friends with Moonlight, Starlight’s drag daughter. She had on the most dramatic black cape, which was connected to her long black ponytail. She’d use her powers as a Marvel to lift the cape and hair into the air and blow it back, as though an invisible fan were keeping it floating.

“Isn’t she just so fucking cool and cunty?” Warrick said over the loud music, sipping a huge gulp of his cranberry vodka.

“Took the words right out of my mouth,” I replied.

Moonlight gave a hoot and planted a kiss on my cheek and then on Warrick’s. A song she particularly liked came on, so she shot up from the couch and pulled Warrick out to the dance floor. I leaned over to Maddox and said, “Want to dance? I like this song too.”

“Let’s go,” Madds answered without hesitation. That was another thing I was finding I loved about this man—his willingness to go along with most everything, not overthinking every little decision or tiny moment. It was refreshing. Especially since I tended to overthink almost everything. Not with Maddox, though. He was a reminder that life was better without all the second-guessing and self-doubting.

I followed Maddox into the crush of dancing, sweaty bodies. There was another bar toward the wall, where a huge screen hung and projected trippy images of rainbow-hued valleys and oceans. The song that played had a reggaeton beat to it, perfect for shaking my ass to. Maddox grabbed my hips and pulled me against him. He kept with the beat, leaning in and kissing my neck, our bodies flush together. I closed my eyes and let the music (and vodka shots) take me somewhere else. Where I didn’t have to worry about my past or my future, just had to focus on my present.

And fuck, was that present perfect.