I didn’t, though. I restrained myself, not wanting to scare him off. Not everyone had as insatiable sex drive as I did, and there was a much bigger mission ahead of us that didn’t consist of just getting off with each other. I had to keep a clear head if we were going to take back that final painting from the Crimson Ring.

“Thank you,” Caleb said, turning around to face me, a hand on one of the large door handles behind him.


“For understanding what happened back at the prison. And for helping me with this. And for… showing me how fun playing with toys can be.” He smiled, flashing a perfect set of bright white teeth. Fuck. I wanted to lick them.

“No need to thank me,” I said. “Just promise we’ll play again sometime.”

“It’s a date. I mean, not a date. But like, you know, it’ll happen on a certain date that isn’t a romantic date between us.” His cheeks went back to that firehouse-red color I loved so much.

“Perfect,” I said. “A date that isn’t a date on a date coming up in the future. Got it.”

Caleb narrowed his gaze before he laughed and turned to leave. But I couldn’t let him go. Not without doing one last thing.

I grabbed his hand and turned him back around. Without thinking, I pulled him against me and crushed my lips against his, my arms wrapping around him tight. I let the kiss burn through me, and I didn’t care about hiding my bulge anymore, pressing it against him and feeling Caleb melt in response. I grabbed the back of his head and felt his soft hair brush my palm, his tongue dancing with mine, my body aching to become one with his.

Somehow, someway, I was able to pry myself off him. He looked up at me with glistening lips and dazed eyes, that smile growing, his cock just as hard as mine.

“You sure you have to go?” I asked one last time.

“I do,” Caleb said, giving me another kiss before turning. “But I’ll be looking forward to the not-a-date date.”

“On a future date.”

“Yes. Exactly,” he said.

“What about tomorrow, then?”

His brows jerked up his forehead.

“I think we need to be working overtime on getting that painting back from the Crimson Ring,” I explained. Sure, it was a true and valid reason for why we needed to be working around the clock, but it also guaranteed that I got to spend more time with Caleb. “We know they have one of them, I say we do everything we can to get it. Why don’t we meet at my friend’s magic shop in Malibu? Claire knows her shit, she might be able to help us.”

Caleb swallowed audibly. His hands formed tight fists at his side before he loosened them. A breath he must have been holding left his lungs. “You’re right. Let me do some research first, though. I like to be equipped with information.”

“Perfect, considering I function with as little information as possible.”

“I’ve realized that,” Caleb said, arms crossed, cocky smirk planted on his perfect face. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow then.”

“See ya,” I said, wanting to kiss him one last time but holding myself back. Caleb waked out into the quiet night, rustling palm tree leaves the only sound competing with his footsteps.

I immediately went back to my room and jerked off. Twice. My thoughts swirled around a naked Caleb, his body a perfect scenescape I wanted to memorize. Even when I had cleared my mind (and my balls), I still went to bed with the image of Caleb floating around in my head, all thoughts of cults and paintings and world-saving missions momentarily forgotten.

For a Marvel who didn’t like to use his illusion powers, he sure did have a strong hold on my psyche.

Chapter 17

You Up


The next few days were a flurry of research, anxiety, wonder, and horniness.

Seriously. My dick would not go down, not even for a second. It was one of those “if this erection lasts longer than…” situations, nearly making me go to the hospital just to check if everything was okay.

Alright, so it wasn’t that intense, but it certainly was close. Every time I thought of what Maddox and I had done, of the way he treated me, kissed me, licked me… my heart rate would instantly pick up, my skin would warm, my briefs would begin to feel tighter and tighter until they were so bothersome I just had to take them off. I jerked off more than I normally did, every time thinking of the icy dragon and his chest of toys.

It wasn’t just thoughts and fantasies that distracted me throughout the day either. Maddox and I exchanged numbers, and we were therefore exchanging texts. They started out benign enough, with Maddox texting me an article he had found.