That’s when, for a brief moment, I panicked.

The rush of my orgasm moved aside for a stab of “Is this right?” Should I be jumping up to my feet and getting dressed? Was this already too… intimate? Lying down next to each other, staring up at the ceiling, legs crossed together?

It’s what I would have done with any other hookup I had in the past. Idle chitchat wasn’t exactly on the menu after going over “TopLookin4Peach’s” musty-smelling apartment. I’d only done it a couple of times—trolling through the hookup apps—and that was enough for me to realize I wasn’t a huge fan.

Which was why this moment scared me titless. This didn’t feel like a pump-and-run situation for some reason. Maybe because we were working together to find the paintings, or maybe because we’d already been through some heavy shit together?

Maybe it was for another reason entirely.

“You need water or anything?” Maddox asked, his foot brushing against mine and sending shock waves back up through my naked body.

“I don’t,” I said, more crystal-like blue catching my eye. I rolled onto my side and started to gently trail my fingers over the strip of dragon scales that ran down the V-line of his left hip.

“Do you like them?” he asked. His voice was deep, soothing. Like a track I’d play on repeat to fall asleep. A river running over smooth pebbles.

“I do,” I answered, apparently unable to form sentences longer than two words. “They’re soft.”

Still only two words. What the fuck.

“Have you ever been with a dragon?”

“I’ve barely even been with humans, so no.” I laid my hand on the soft scales, my head on Maddox’s chest. His heart beat like a hammer against a nail, strengthening some invisible scaffolding that held me up. His room had grown dark now that the sun had fallen. It was cozy and warm, and I didn’t have to drown out the noises from my roommate’s loud-ass video games. It was nice. Really, really nice.

“What was your last relationship like?” Maddox asked.

“Nothing special. Our most romantic and memorable date was lunch at a McDonald’s. It was for our year anniversary. I broke up with him about a week after that. Sammy was his name.”

“Damn,” Madds said. “That’s almost worse than me being left at the altar. McDonald’s? Really?”

I chuckled. “Yeah. I’d always try to do more romantic things but he’d never be down for it.”

“That’s shitty. And when was that?”

"Early twenties. When I was just getting back on my feet after”—leaving the cult we’re currently hunting—“After my grandparents passed. After Sammy, I just kind of stopped dating. Focused on my new career instead.” Could he pick up on my quickening heart beat? I rolled over onto my back, the secret rising up to the edge of my lips, seconds from spilling out.

Fuck. If I tell him now, it could ruin this moment forever.

I had to make a choice. Risk shattering this afterglow or risk hurting Maddox down the line.

Decisions, decisions, fucking decisions.

Chapter 16

It’s Not A Date



Hooking up with Caleb blew my mind. I knew I was attracted to him from the second I saw him in that attic, even though I hadn’t even known if he was friend or foe yet. He was exactly my type of guy: long, lean, handsome, and hung. But just because those checkboxes were ticked didn’t guarantee a brain-melting lay. I’d been with plenty of people that could objectively be described as “fucking hot,” only to find out they were some of the most boring fucks around.

Not Caleb. He made me see stars with his sex. I got one hit and already craved more.

Not good. Not good at all.

“Want any water or anything?” I asked as Caleb stirred, moving his head off my chest.

“No, I’m good. I should probably get going.”

“Really? Now?” My reaction to his statement startled me. The words tumbled out of me like a fresh winter snowfall.

He looked at me, slightly surprised. “Yeah, I need to walk my dog, Lily. Plus, I need some sleep. I feel like I’m about to crash.”

I stuffed away the salty emotion that his exit began to cause. I wasn’t the kind of guy who dealt with those things. If he wanted to leave, fine, he could leave. It didn’t matter that I wanted to go for rounds two, three, and four with him.

My cock twitched against my thigh. I casually placed a hand over it so Caleb wouldn’t notice me getting hard as he got up and began to get dressed. I took a moment to admire his perfect and firm ass, the curve and the pale skin. A juicy peach I wanted to take another bite of.

But just a bite. Nothing more. This couldn’t become a regular thing. Caleb and I had a much bigger mission to accomplish, and we couldn’t find ourselves getting distracted by each other’s dicks. No matter how much fun that sounded like.