Daddy chuckled. “You look adorable.”

That was a good sign.

“Thank you, Daddy.” Holding out my apron, I smiled. “Isn’t it so pretty? I’m old-fashioned and cute.”

“It’s very pretty and I love how cute it is.” Daddy’s smile got bigger and bigger when I twirled over to him and kissed his cheek. “Thank you, princess.”

He was so happy, that he couldn’t tell me no.

But I made sure I looked sweet and innocent too, just in case.

“And I think as long as I know your limits on questions and answers that I can see how that would be a Daddy job.”

It worked.

Thank goodness.

“You’re so smart, Daddy.” More cheek kisses sealed the deal and I was so happy, I was almost floating. “You don’t need to worry. He’ll be nice to you.”

“I’m not worried, sunshine.” Daddy caught me in his arms when I whirled close to him. “Gotcha.”

When I giggled, Daddy grinned and kissed my head. “I just need to know what I can and can’t talk about first, and I think I should try to say hi and things like that when I come over so I’m not a stranger to him.”

“I have limits, Daddy.” I was a wonderful little and had lots and lots of limits on my list. “I can make a conversations limits list too, Daddy.”

Yes, I was very good at making lists.

“I’ll have a stranger list and a friend list and a kinky friend list and a roommate list and a nosy people from college list.” Hmm. “I might need more but that’s all my brain found.”

“You have a wonderful brain.” Daddy gave me a big squishing hug. “Those are very smart list types and would be very helpful.”

Daddy liked knowing how to take care of his sunshine, so I should’ve realized he needed more lists.

“I’ll be very helpful, Daddy.” And then he could do the talking to people part of being a grown-up.

We were so smart.

“You are always very helpful, sunshine.” Kissing my nose, he gave me another smaller hug before looking toward the door. “Should we have craft time now that you’re all dressed?”

“Crafts and breakfast and crayons and syrup.” We were going to have a great day.

Then I was going to get my surprise…maybe two if I was very cute.

Yes, I was going to be so cute I got all the surprises.

Chapter 26


He was not nearly as sneaky as he thought he was.

“What do you need from that closet, sunshine?” Pretending to not be suspicious at all, I raised one eyebrow and aimed for mildly curious. “Did we lose some of your papers? Oh, have your friends escaped again?”

Addison was trying to look innocent but the way he started rocking back and forth and looking around said he was up to something and that he wasn’t as little as he’d been before. “Maybe? I’ll keep looking and make sure.”

Yep, that was too good of a response for him to still be coloring and wearing an apron little.

“I can help you.” And I could keep him from figuring out where I’d hidden his surprises, so I walked up and made sure he knew I wasn’t going to get distracted and wander off. “Where do you think we should look next?”

Think. Think. Think. “Um, can I have juice?”

“You had juice just after we finished watching cartoons.” So he needed to try another idea. “Let’s go get you some water if you’re still thirsty.”

Taking his hand made him sigh. “Daddy.”

I tried not to laugh but his drama was too cute. “Yes?”

“You’re not sneaky.” He seemed to think he was but he managed to keep a straight face as he said that, so I did my best too. “You guessed what I wanted.”

Nodding just got me another sigh.

“I should’ve remembered how smart you are.” The not-quite big Addison rocked back and forth making his old-fashioned-looking sundress sway. “You’re very smart.”

So he was going for the butter Daddy up diversion?

“Thank you, sunshine.” Deciding I should change tactics too, I released his hand and gathered him up in my arms. “What should we do next then? Do you want to use your gems?”

He liked making those pictures.

“Hmm?” Making cute thinking sounds, he nodded and seemed to give up on the idea of being sneaky. “Yes. But I have to be a fancy princess to do that.”

There was logic in that, so I nodded and kissed his forehead. “Alright. Let’s get you dressed up fancy.”

Addison smiled. “Thank you, Daddy.”

No theatrics.

No more sneaky behavior.

No distractions.

It was time for a reward.

“You’re welcome.” Moving back to taking his hand, I gave him a sneaky grin. “I might have a pretty new dress for a sparkly princess.”

His wide eyes weren’t manufactured at all. “Oh, Daddy.”

Filled with a bit too much pride, I chuckled. “I think it’s time to give my princess a surprise.”

Rocking and nearly shaking with excitement, he nodded. “I was so good, Daddy, and I love being pretty.”