That did not sound like I was going to get ice cream for breakfast.
I needed to work on looking cuter.
“Come on. Time to clean up the princess.” Daddy was smiling and almost wiggling himself as he climbed off the bed and opened his arms. “Scoot over here, sunshine.”
He was so happy when he took care of me.
“Daddy?” Rolling over like a log, I peeked up at Daddy when the log landed right in front of him. “Do you think Catilin likes taking care of Damon?”
Was she like a Daddy too?
Putting his thinky face on, Daddy frowned. “I’m just guessing here, but based on what you’ve told me, I think she’s probably got some caretaker things about her. Their relationship is going to be different than ours, though.”
Nodding, I helped Daddy to wiggle me around so he could take off my diaper. “He’s a big boy all the time. He remembers to eat good and he doesn’t like dessert after every meal and he doesn’t even color.”
Why would anyone be a sub if they didn’t want to color?
Daddy sighed. “Well, the coloring part is disappointing, but he might just like spankings and having someone bossy around to check up on him.”
“That’s a good point.” Giggling as the cold wipe touched my skin, I wiggled and Daddy had to trap me down against the bed. “She…she might make him feel confident. You make me confident, Daddy.”
Smiling big as he finished getting me all clean, Daddy dropped my diaper in the special trashcan by the bed and nodded. “You’re sweet and you’re very smart. I bet she makes him feel confident enough to do all the grown-up things he needs. And you know what?”
I shook my head as he helped me sit up and took off my nightgown. “That might be what the university thought you had in common. You both have partners who make you feel confident.”
“I hadn’t thought of that, Daddy.” That was a good idea. “But I’ve been very nice and even sighed and frowned as I talked about the loud neighbors. His eyes got really big, so I think he understood what I was hinting about. I didn’t have to tell him he moans loud or that Caitlin sounds like a good spanker.”
I was glad I hadn’t needed to do that.
Daddy snickered and gave me a hug. “I think you did a wonderful job.”
Me too.
“I’m going to be nice and let him know I’m a good boy he can trust.” Somehow. “I’m just not going to talk about little stuff because I’m not sure he understands that since he’s a big sub.”
Grinning, Daddy shrugged. “I’m not sure how much he understands, but he didn’t seem upset by anything he saw between us.”
Daddy had lots of good points…even before he had coffee.
“Do you think he’d make scrunchy faces if I was coloring in the living room?” Daddy helped me jump off the bed and made a silly face when my penis jumped and bounced. “I like coloring and watching TV at night.”
Taking my hand, Daddy was back to looking thinky as he led me to my big boy princess playroom. “Well, I don’t know if he’d make faces, but I don’t think he’d mean to make a face and I don’t think he’d say anything to hurt your feelings.”
“He’s kind of nice even when he frowns.” But he frowned a lot.
“That might just be how his face looks when he’s thinking about something.” Daddy kissed my head and started swinging our hands together. “Not everyone is as happy as my sunshine.”
More good points from Daddy.
“How do I know if he’s thinking frowny or mean in his head frowny?” Daddy gave my hand a squeeze as he stopped in front of my closet and sighed as he figured out the answer to my question.
As he picked out a pretty dress that wasn’t too fancy, he thought-thought-thought. “What about you keep getting to know him more, and then when you’re comfortable with the idea, you ask him if he has any questions about you or our relationship? Show him it’s okay to be curious.”
Oh, I wasn’t so sure about that.
Daddy raised one eyebrow as he put the pretty pink and white checkered dress over my head. He was being patient, so I knew I couldn’t be theatrical, but it was hard.
He was so patient he even had my apron and my panties on me before he sighed.
“Um, being curious is good.” Yes, that was a nice place to start because it made Daddy smile.
Twirling around, I showed off my pretty dress that made me look like an old-fashioned pioneer princess; I tried to look cute. “And I can get to know him more and I can let you know when I’m comfortable.”
Daddy was still happy, so I tried to be sneaky.
“Then we can have dinner with him and give him yummy goodies and you can ask him if he has questions. I think answers are a Daddy job.” Yes, that sounded very logical.