“No.” Daddy didn’t even open his eyes before he Daddied me. “Good try, though.”

He was so cute, even when he was fuzzy-brained enough to tell his sunshine no.

“I was a good pup last night and I’m a good boy today and I want to play toys or bubbles or with my picture stuff.” Yes, making Daddy new pictures would be fun. “I was good. Did you know that?”

Daddy huffed and tried to cover his giggle, but he smiled and opened his eyes, giving it away. “Good morning, sunshine.”

“Good morning, Daddy.” Daddy had the best smile, so I had to kiss it. “I’m a cute puppy, but I need a dress and panties now, Daddy.”

Laughing, Daddy nodded. “You are the cutest puppy ever, but yes, I think you have a very good plan, except for the ice cream part.”


I was going to have to work on being cuter.

“But…” Daddy looked like he had a secret. “We can make French toast for breakfast if that sounds yummy.”

“Oh, I can dip that, Daddy.” Wiggling made me remember I’d been a good boy for Daddy. “After, though. After.”

Daddy tried to be serious, but he just looked silly. “I understand.”

He was smart.

“I want to be a pretty princess today, Daddy. A crafty princess to start, not a fancy one.” Fancy dresses got dirty too easy. I had to be careful. “Can I dip sausage into syrup too?”

Daddy scrunched his face up. “Yes, I know a lot of people do that.”

But not Daddy.

“It’s yummy.” Wiggling closer, I kissed his nose to make his lips smiley again. “I’ll share.”

“Thank you, princess.” It was Daddy’s turn to kiss my nose and he wrapped me up in a tight hug. “So working princess clothes to start and then maybe something fancy later?”

Nodding, I tried to look my cutest ever. “And then a surprise. You have lots for me so I get another one. You said so.”

Daddy cocked his head. “I think I might’ve promised you another surprise.”


“I like surprises.” And I liked it when I was right too. “I was very good and I’m going to be good today too.”

“Now that, I believe.” He snickered to himself because he thought he was really funny. “Alright, so the plan is to get my princess all clean and pretty. Then breakfast and crafts?”

“Yes, I need to make you more pictures too.” I had to decorate Daddy’s house. “You still have white walls, Daddy.”

Lots of white walls.

Giving me a silly look, Daddy squished his lips together and nodded. “You’re right. In fact, I have so many white walls it might take years and years for you to make me enough pictures to color them all. Are you okay with that? It’ll be a big commitment.”

“Oh, I can do that, Daddy.” Cheek kisses made him smile. “I’ll make you lots of pictures and make our house pretty, and then when we decide I’m all done living in my apartment, I’ll be here all the time to make it pretty for you.”

That was a good plan.

“That sounds perfect.” Snuggling me again, Daddy made a happy noise and kissed my head. “But remember what you told me, we do Daddy and little stuff however we want to and that means we can do living together stuff however we want to.”

Daddy was so smart.

“I’m going to live here on the weekends, so it will be like part-time living together. Like a small job to get you ready to have a big job.” Taking care of Daddy would be a big job. He didn’t even have pretty pillows until he met me and he’d only had two sauces until I’d started coming to visit.

He needed me.

“I think that’s a great idea.” His beaming smile made my tummy all happy. “And then you can help me figure out our boundaries…like when I might be Daddy too much or if you need other things from me.”


Wiggling higher up his body, I rested my forehead against his. “There’s no such thing as being too Daddy. That’s ridiculous.”

He was trying to be serious but he couldn’t hold his giggles back. “It’s ridiculous, huh?”

Nodding, I made my serious face so he knew it was important. “I love being Daddied. I love boyfriend time. I love all our time. But there’s never too much Daddy time.”

That was just…no…there was never too much Daddy time.

“I’m important to you.” He didn’t have to hide that. “It’s okay that you need me.”

Rolling us over as he grinned, Daddy trapped me against the bed and kissed my nose. “I do need you and I’m so glad you understand that.”

“I do.” But I made a silly face and wiggled. “But I’m stuck and wet and hungry, Daddy. You said I could have ice cream and I want it now.”

Laughing so loud it echoed in the bedroom, Daddy rolled over and flopped back on the bed. “I love you, sunshine.”