And probably have a bottle and a good cuddle somewhere in there.

“Puppies are so cute, Daddy.” It seemed to be more of a statement than a question, but I nodded as I kissed his forehead and took his hand. “You can play with puppies.”

Oh, was he worried I wouldn’t know what to do with a puppy?

It couldn’t be more complicated than him being a bunny.

“Yes, there’s all kinds of fun games puppies can play. I saw them online.” Yep, his smile was filled with excitement and pride. “You’re going to be the cutest kind, though.”

Because Addison was his own kind of wonderful.

“I am.” Swinging our hands as I led him back to the nursery, he bounced and wiggled. It was very excited Addsion, so it took me a moment to realize he was working out how a puppy would move. Differently than a rabbit. Yes, that made sense.

I was definitely going to have to figure out what a puppy ate for dinner.

Did pups like nuggets?

Yes. Of course, they would…but how would they eat them?

I had to put that question to the back of my head as we got to the nursery, though. Getting him ready might take all my faculties, so getting distracted would be a bad idea. “Alright, pup, hands up.”

Pups were more wiggly than rabbits.

I was going to have to remember that.

“Good boy, pup.” Yes, pups liked praise too. “That’s right. You’re going to be such a cute pup.”

Randomly giving him praise and chattering about what a good pup he’d be, I eventually got him naked and was relieved when it looked like pups liked diapers as much as rabbits did. As I grabbed his costume, he raced over to the bed and flopped down on his back, wiggling all four of his paws up in the air excitedly.

“Oh, look at you.” Giving him a big smile as I went over and grabbed a diaper, I quickly got him all wrapped up before he could wiggle and slide right off the bed. “Such a sweet pup.”

And such a squirmy one.

I had a feeling that he’d wear himself out before too long, so I mentally adjusted his bedtime to account for the wiggles and emotional exhaustion that had to be just under the surface. If he’d come home ready to be a baby pup, he was more tired than he wanted to admit.

“You’re going to be so cute and we’re going to cuddle and play.” Then we’d eat and find something cute for the puppy to watch or a book for him to listen to.

Did pups like books?

Deciding I was probably overthinking the situation, I randomly talked about my day and told him silly stories about how I’d passed the time driving around the area as I got him dressed.

“And then I pulled up to the stop light and the grumpy gus was picking his nose. After all that drama.” Some people just couldn’t drive, but Addison just loved the nose part and wiggled and made puppy sounds that were definitely laughter.

When he was an adorable pup with a big smile and floppy ears, I knew he was thoroughly immersed in the fantasy. “Look at you.”


As he scampered around the bed, I sat down on the end and opened my arms. “Cuddles for my pup.”

That got me the cutest little bark and he bounded over, running into my chest as I laughed. “Yes, big cuddles.”

Hugging him tight, I ran my hand down his back like I would if he was a real puppy and roughed him up slightly. It was a different kind of play than it had been when he’d been a bunny, but the pup seemed to like roughhousing more than the rabbit.

Chuckling as he wiggled and pushed his head against me, I groaned dramatically. “Oh, I have such a strong pup.”

He liked that, wiggling and giving me a more confident bark. Praising him for it seemed to be the right course of action, so I rubbed his hood and kissed his forehead. “Good job, pup. Good bark.”


He gave me another and wiggled again.

“Should we race to the living room and play?” That seemed like it would be easier on his knees depending on how a little pup raced. “I have a ball for you.”

That got more wiggles as well, so I knew we were on the right track, but I smiled when the pup grabbed a couple new cuddly friends before he climbed off the bed. So he was a pup but not enough of a pup that he didn’t need stuffed animals.

Got it.

“You have the best friends, pup.” Helping him off the bed so he didn’t try to attempt the puppy version of rabbiting off of it, I ran my hand over the elephant and bear who were now accompanying us. “Are they going to play too?”