That got another laugh again. “I agree.”

When he stopped snickering, he sighed. “Okay, giving them a few minutes to finish their scene is probably the best place to start. If you’re hungry or want to go get some work done, you can go find a coffee shop or a place to sit down for dinner. Oh, you can always post in the online group that you’re looking for a friend to have dinner with if you’re feeling brave.”

“I don’t know if I’m feeling brave but I’d rather just talk to you, or if that’s not a good option, I’ll get dinner somewhere. I have some dining credits and I always like nuggets.” Yes, those were good options. “I have some reading I can do for some upcoming classes and I’ve got fun stuff to do too.”

I was very good at keeping myself busy.

“Those seem like great options, and I would love to talk to you. How about you help me make some stir fry while we talk?” Daddy sounded like he was moving around and I pictured him in the kitchen. “I’m having squishy vegetables since you’re not here.”

Giggling, I shook my head. “Yuck.”

That made him laugh. “I thought you’d say that.”

“I’m also going to say that making me pick what kind of dog I would be isn’t a good get to know me activity. I’m not a pup and I don’t have a Handler, so I don’t need to decide if I would be a beagle or a boxer.” That was just ridiculous.

“Hmm.” Daddy sounded like he stopped in the middle of the kitchen because everything went quiet. “Was the person asking kinky or just strange?”

“That’s a good question.” Shrugging, I wiggled into my seat getting more comfortable. “I don’t know. I was assuming they were just stupid, but those sound like nicer options.”

Daddy groaned. “I shouldn’t laugh at that, so I’m going to remind you that being nice and assuming good intentions will lead to a happier life.”

I wasn’t sure I was going to agree with that.

“Is presuming they’re kinky being nice or assuming good intentions?” Yep, that was a much better way to distract him because he laughed.

“Both.” Sounding like he was smiling ear to ear, he started moving again. “They probably just got it off of some online get to know people list. I’m not sure what they thought that would say about you, though. What if you thought you were a poodle but you’re really one of those small yappy dogs?”

“Then I’d be very confused and need therapy.” My response had laughter booming through the phone and I couldn’t help giggling.

“You are adorable, sunshine.” Still sounding like he was smiling, Daddy made me blush and wiggle again. “And you would be a cute pup no matter what kind you thought you were.”

He was so cute…and he reminded me about my costumes.

“I have my pup costume at home, Daddy.” Trying not to get too excited since I was in the car, I just gave a tiny wiggle. “You got me the best costumes. I had so much fun being your bunny.”

“You were an adorable bunny.” Daddy sighed and I knew he was giving me his you’re so cute smile. “I was very glad that worked out.”

He worried too much sometimes.

“You’re the best Daddy ever.” He had the bestest ideas too. “My nursery is so pretty and my costumes are so cute. I loved being your bunny, Daddy.”

“I loved that you were my bunny, so I think we can both agree that it was a success and something we should do again.” Daddy chuckled as I squirmed, trying not to say anything that would sound like I was worrying. “And that means we can do it anytime we want, right?”

I groaned and giggled when he made a pleased-with-himself sound. “I wasn’t going to second-guess that, Daddy. Nope. You said you liked taking care of me and we’re still getting lots of good grown-up time.”

Daddy scoffed. “You haven’t even been alone there twenty-four hours yet. I think that says we’ve still had a lot of quality time together.”


“But we’re going to get lots of quality time this weekend. Grown-up time. Little time. Naughty time.” That made him laugh again. “Hmm, if I wasn’t in my car, I might ask you what kind of naughty time ideas made you laugh. That sounded very wicked.”

“You’re right. They were wicked thoughts but nothing I should be sharing while you’re in a public place.” Daddy huffed like he was shocked which just made me fight off giggles. “What if I accidentally made you hard?”

The giggles escaped.

“I was naughty, Daddy.” I couldn’t hold it back. “The spanking sound made me hard.”

Daddy barked out a laugh. “That’s not a surprise, naughty boy. I’d have been surprised if it didn’t make you hard.”

Me too.

“At first I didn’t realize what the sound was but my dick did.” Hmm. “Daddy?”